Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
We are entering a new age of humanity. We can walk forward, as one; or maybe as 6.5 billion, excluding deviants. The fusion of humanity? We use fusion in thermo-nuclear bombs to create massive destruction. We still can't get fusion generators working. Maybe this global-fusion idea isn't so good?

Some people discuss the 'single world government'. Isn't a deviant like myself proof it wouldn't work? Deviants will always exist - it is part of nature. Additionally, you have to ask yourself, is a single world government necessary? To quote Thomas Paine, "Government, even in its best form is but a necessary evil; in its worst, an intolerable one.". Why then would we endanger ourselves by adding more unnecessary government?

Single world government, united as a species... it is absolutist. We deviate for the purpose of evolution. If the single united group is incorrect, humanity will perish. When we are divided, maybe one group goes the wrong way and dies. If so, humanity can learn from their mistakes.

Your brain is like a machine. If you don't control it, it will control you. Like a machine, it does not definitively know what is best. Maybe it makes you feel unity is good. If and when it happens, smack yourself in the face. Keep doing the same until eventually, the brain stops delivering pleasure upon notions of unity (this process may take several million years).

Shout-out to hotforwords, who uses sexuality to lure fools into educational traps. Peace to Magi.