I've recently bought a mouse so i could play some Q3 on my laptop. It runs like shit and i can only just manage 125fps sporadically on dm6 with picmip 16. This doesn't really bother me as it's still playable. The real problem is that the further into a match i play, the less responsive my laptop becomes. An example of this is stair jumping. When i first start i game i can slam jump as i run up stairs as much as possible and the computer responds to the command, but after perhaps 5-10minutes of play, my keyboard won't register one jump. The game just becomes more and more sluggish the longer i play.

This also applies to weapon change, i can press the plasma key and it will appear perhaps 1-2 seconds later, even though i have a low ping. (I'm using Q for plasma, whilst my movement is WASD - maybe the close proximity to buttons that are being held down all the time may have something to do with it?)

I've tried enabling only one core but it doesn't change anything. Perhaps some memory issue?

I'm on a 2.1 dual core, 3gig memory, an intel graphics card and i'm playing on servers that i ping fine to.

Sorry for the ramble. Any ideas?