How to do correctly duel maps
Here some councils (recommendations) for Syncerror

I will specify some principles for duel maps

1. The size of a map.
2. The map scheme.
3. Things on a map.
4. Positions of things on a map.

At first, I will specify an example correct duel maps: bloodrun, furiousheights, lostworld.


All examples are based on long-term experience of game. I will not go into detail. All will sound as a rule.

1. The size of a map.

- Any duel a map should be on the size as as bloodrun, furiousheights, lostworld. The size is a cube in which map.
- Any room on a map should be on the size, as the sizes of rooms on maps bloodrun, furiousheights, lostworld.

Examples of the wrong size duel maps: aerowalk, hektik.

2. The map scheme.

- The most correct schemes on maps boodrun, furiousheights.

Bloodrun: All on this map shares on fighting locations. Fighting locations are rooms on a map.
The list of rooms: a room with RA (the big centre of a map), 2 rooms with YA, cross MH. It is already very logical.
All these rooms are connected by corridors.

Furiousheights: Here we as see division into rooms.
The list of rooms: a room with RA, a room with YA, the Room with MH. These rooms it is more than on bloodrun But a map still playable =).

Other variant - lostworld.

Lostworld: the Big centre of a map - the bridge + RA balcony. All locations YA, MH, RA are located round the centre. Here it is impossible to name locations rooms because it is faster small boxes, between which narrow corridors as on bloodrun, but longer.

- On all duel maps there are teleports, and they have 2-3 floors.
- Division into rooms should be obligatory.
- If division conditional as on lostworld there should be narrow corridors connecting locations.

3. Things on a map.

I will begin with the weapon.

Possible variants of presence guns on maps
- vertical vengeance
- lostworld
- bloodrun
- aerowalk

- Rg it is good on the big and average distances (furiousheights, bloodrun, campground)
- Pg it is good in narrow corridors (bloodrun, lostworld)
-Sg it is good in boxes (lostworld)
-Gl it is good to shower in narrow corridors and boxes (bloodrun, lostworld)

Now about Ra, YA, MH
- On all duel maps should be 2 YA 1 RA 1 MH.

4. Positions of things on a map.

Whether how to understand things on a map are correctly located?

Very simply!

We take maps lostworld, bloodrun, furiousheights.

Bloodrun: 1 YA over MH 2 seconds between them. From RA to MH 2 seconds. From RA to YA 4 seconds.
Furiousheights: 1 YA nearby MH 1-3 seconds. From RA to 2nd YA 2 seconds.
Lostworld: the Same time frameworks.

Probably some routes on a map from 1 thing to another.

Good example-bloodrun.
-room+armor+gun - as rule


Time frameworks do not mean that 2 YA RA and MH it is possible to arrange on jump distance from each other. It is better to run about on bloodrun lostworld furiousheights and to check up time :)

I have listed some very important principles. Which all is necessary to uniform to observe. I have resulted good examples duel maps. But it not all principles. There are still some subtleties which it is very difficult to explain to the person not playing duel seriously enough ;)

It is possible to use these principles, examining a map:

Examination example:


1. The size - small - an error. The narrowish centre. Round the centre there is not enough space.
2. The scheme - the Good centre, a good room with YA. It is thought well up with MH. That's good.

Badly that that GA Is near to RA, MH. It would be better to close GA in a room. And in this room from the centre conducts 1 narrow corridor. In a room of 3 doors. Everyone conducts on a corridor in the site of a map.

As that is no place to hide, all map clearly is bad. I can rise in the centre with RA and the opponent will have nothing to do. It is impossible on bloodrun or furiousheights. Here it is necessary to think as to think up 1 more room. And as it is better to connect locations corridors.

2-3 floors - very good.

"Open" corridors leaders to GA - it is very bad. It is possible to compare corridors with lostworld and bloodrun.

3. Things on a map - 1 YA 1 RA 1 MH 1 GA - an error. Should be 2 YA 1RA 1 MH. (Or 2 GA nearby with each other)

4. Positions of things on a map - it is good (room+armor+gun). But, look point 2. Seconds between things good but conflicting with point 2.

Examination example 2:


1. The size small - an error.
2. The good centre, a good room with RA. On this map the same problem in the scheme as hektik - the room with YA is easily visible and is exposed to fire as GA on hektik. It is necessary to think of a room with YA about the "closed" corridors.

2-3 floors-good

3. 1RA 1Mh 1YA 2GA - an error! - should be RA MH 2 YA.
4. Seconds between things good but conflicting with point 2.

Ok. Probably in both cases I have badly transferred point 2. Then I will simply result drawing with which at me type maps aerowalk and hektik associate