Trying to get my laptop mouse on my new laptop working at 500hz. It's a pretty powerful laptop so it shouldnt have problems with it, the only problem is WIN 7 being gay. It's Win 7 64bits SP1.

I've read that thanks to Microsoft, Win 7 now needs a digital signed certificate by microsoft to install custom drivers, so programs like hidusbfb don't work. I've encountered this workaround:

I finally managed to get it working at 500hz, but it would only work if the "Test mode" was enable. I can disable the watermark which is really annoying so i should be ok, but im kinda worried because I use this laptop for class and studying stuff so im connected in huge networks with lots of people, so my question is:

Does running in "Test mode" with that program present any sort of security problems, or just any kind of problem in the long run? I am safe leaving it in Test mode activated all the time? And

Is there any other way to get the damn mouse easily running at 500hz like in Win XP without needing to do dodgy shit?