This was already posted over at q3w, but I thought I`d post it here as well. Please note that I`m not trying to take bst`s maps out of the limelight, in fact I have to say his maps look fantastic, and I want to congradulate him for his progress, so I`m going to give him some free advertising: check them out!. I`m just posting this because his posts reminded me to do the same. ;)

I was in contact with the devs about this, so I`m not planning on making any large-scale changes anymore. There`s a few minor visual issues such as z-fighting on a blue curve and a 25+ health bubble out of place near the NG, which were missed during testing. We`ll just see what they have to say about it. I am open to opinions, however.

I want to thank everyone at the Quake3World community for all the comments they gave about this map, especially Ferdinand "cityy" List, who is responsible for providing some of the architecture and the QL compiling settings. I hope everyone enjoys playing this map, even if only against bots.

The goal of this map wasn`t to make the prettiest map ever (swelt is my personal hero in this department), but something that would be playable on a *hopefully* competitive level. It`s designed for duel, but it`s application can extend to 2v2 TDM as well as other non-CTF gametypes. To make it seem more official, loading screens have been added as well as a callvote screen, using the official Quake Live screenshot format. The map was compiled using the official QL compile settings, given by cityy, as mentioned earlier.

Download: (1.13 MB)

Don`t forget to set it to read-only when putting it in your baseq3 folder, otherwise Quake Live will go on a mad rampage and eat this map for dinner as if it were steak. You have been warned!

I`ll post screenshots later on.

Enjoy people, and don`t forget to check out bst`s maps as well! :D