We are proud to announce the opening of the brand new fresh website Mania-Actu! Indeed, for 3 years now, our old TM-actu website has been working hard to offer news, articles, coverage and live shows on the NADEO Trackmania's world.
Now that Maniaplanet came out, and with the release of Trackmania 2 Canyon and ShootMania Storm, we launched our new Website Mania-actu.
Our goal is the same, offering news, coverage, live shows and many more features for every Maniaplanet customer...Indeed, just check it out and read new content about the whole Maniaplanet world.
This website is Beta 1.0 and many features will come out within the next months, like, blogs, tournament hostings, the opportunity to create and manage teams, and for casual writers and tournament organizers to submit news.

For the website opening, we will make a great coverage of the ZOTAC cup, a huge tournament with the best teams, that will take place this week end in Paris! Streams, brackets and live scores will be available! The stream will be shoutcasted by Josh “prodiG” Folland and Stuart “Django” Ewen on our twitch.tv channel.

So have fun browsing here, and we hope you will enjoy it. Now it's time for you to create a new account, like us on facebook, and take pleasure in reading Mania-actu's content.

Mania-Actu url : http://mania-actu.com
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/ManiaActu
Stream : http://twitch.tv/maniaActu
Twitter : http://twitter.com/maniaActu