The term 'America' is a lie. Not only does it mislead people into thinking the Union is exclusive, but it isn't even a real place. There is no America. There is a North America and a South America. If it said United States of the America's, at least it would be talking about a real place. Conservatives, in their tyrannical injuries and usurpations, are the enemies of all freedom-loving people's.

In the game of Union football, what would be the Union strategy? Most teams play the 3-down style. If they did it Union-style, they would almost never punt or kick field-goals. The conservative-style is the style of losers. They always play not to lose instead of playing to win. When you play all 4-downs, on practically all occasions, you have more to gain. And if you have a capable defense, you have little to lose.

Conservative does not mean safe. Even if your fantasy of imprisoning everyone, thus creating what you call 'protection' could come true, you would still be a prisoner and subject to the tyrannies of whoever maintains the prison-system. Football commentators should learn to expand their vocabulary. Conservative is the most cliche'd, and inaccurate, word in football.