How do you think Quake Live should handle matchmaking? I have been thinking about that and these are my thoughts. What are your thoughts on it and how do you think it should work? After all if Quake Live is going to be a success this will be the most critical thing for id software to get right.

Quake 3 players can be broken up into 5 levels.

1. Players who stand still when they shoot on the low end and move around and shoot on the high end but can not strafe jump. They have no understanding of weapon choice or map control. People who have never played fps fall into this category.

2. Players move when they shoot and try to strafe jump but are not very good at it (they will have a hard time getting over 450ups). They have some understanding of weapon choice and will not attack someone with the RL when they have the MG. They have no understanding of map control. People from other fps who are just starting out fall into this category.

3. Players who can strafe well (450-550ups) and choose the right weapon and may time an armor here and there. People who have played Quake 3 for a while but have never practiced to get better fall into this category.

4. Players who strafe very well (550+ups) use the right weapons, time armor and power ups, and try to keep the other players from them. People who play in clans fall into this category.

5. Players who strafe very well (550+ups) use the right weapons, time armor and power ups, try to keep the other players from them, and have great aim. Pro 1v1 players fall into this category.

Using strafe jumping alone it would be possible to break the players up into 4 groups, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3-4, Level 4-5. You could then break up the level 3 and 4 groups based on armor timing. If an armor/powerup is constantly picked up within 2-3 seconds of spawning then the player is level 4 if not then they are level 3. Level 4 and level 5 players could be broken up based on aim against other level 4 and 5 players.

If Quake Live was to use this method I think it would very accurately and reliably match players.