gf - girlfriend

gg - good game - usual form of courtesy after an online match, also used to express acclaim in everyday situations

gh - good half; CS exclusive

ghey - gay

gj - (1) good job; (2) grenade jump

gl - good luck - usual form of courtesy before an online match

gpc - grenaded plasma climb

gr8 - great

grj - grenaded rocket (trick)jump

gs - (1) good shot, great shot; (2) game speed

gt - good try

gtfoh - get the f**ck out of here

gtg - (I have) got to go
hf - have fun - a common form of courtesy before an online match

hj - impact hammer jump

hpb - (1) high ping bandwidth, (2) a high ping bandwidth player - usually referred to players with 56k modems or with a ping of over 150 milliseconds; also meant as high ping bastard

hpw - high ping whiner

hs - head shot

hud - heads up display
idd - indeed

idle (in) - (v) to be present in an IRC channel

iirc - if I recall correctly

imo, imho - in my opinion, in my honest opinion or in my humble opinion

inet - Internet

iou - I owe you

irl - in real life
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