
Digits very often stand for letters in leetspeak, sometimes whole words are written with them (e.g. 1337). Particularly trendy is using digits in nicknames, fatal1ty being the finest example.

1 - i or, less often, l
2 - z or, less often, r
3 - e
4 - a
5 - s
6 - b or, less often, g
7 - t or, less often, v
8 - capital B
9 - g or, less often, e
0 - o

What is more, digits often stand for syllables within words (like in m8, h8) and the digit 4 stands for the word ‘for’, 2 stands for 'to' or 'too'.

10x - thanks

80m - atm; at the moment

Item Names

Players usually use abbreviated names for items in multiplayer games:

ya - yellow armor (Q)
ra - red armor (Q)
mh ­­- mega health (Q)
sb - shield belt (UT)
amp -damage ampifier (UT)

rl - rocket launcher
gl - grenade launcher
lg - lightning gun
rg - railgun
mg - machinegun
ng - nailgun
sng - super nailgun
sg - shotgun
ssg - super shotgun
tl - translocator
pg - plasmagun
goo - biorifle
cg - chaingun


Expressions like ROFL and LOL are cummulative, that is they can be joined to express an even more stronger feeling of joy.
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