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Shards - new mmo by mmo vets (1 comment)
Posted by skint @ 10:50 CDT, 13 May 2014 - iMsg

I could get excited about this, will have to see how it pans out. They want to make more of a living world than a level grind.

I've personally not been a fan of the newer MMO's such as World of Warcraft but if they can bring back the magic of Ultima Online, I'm game.
1622 Hits
H.R. Giger dies at 74 (35 comments)
Posted by skint @ 08:18 CDT, 13 May 2014 - iMsg
7416 Hits
Star Wars Episode VII (59 comments)
Posted by skint @ 04:14 CDT, 30 April 2014 - iMsg
So what are peoples thoughts now that some of the cast members and the series characters have been revealed?

Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), and Kenny Baker (R2-D2) are reprising their roles.

Newcomers to the series include Max von Sydow (The Seventh Seal), Adam Driver (Girls), Andy Serkis (Lord of the Rings), Oscar Isaac (Inside Llewyn Davis), Domhnall Gleeson (Bill Weasley in Harry Potter), and up-and-comers John Boyega (Attack the Block) and Daisy Ridley (Blue Season).

Empire Strikes Back scribe Lawrence Kasdan is penning the screenplay with director J.J. Abrams, and Star Wars composer extraordinaire John Williams will continue to score the series.

It's sounding quite promising, although as we've seen in the past, anything could happen!
It's out December 18th 2015.
9661 Hits
Games are to blame take 2 (17 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:38 CDT, 29 April 2014 - iMsg

Evil video games making people lonely and mental!
3983 Hits
X-Games E-Sports (18 comments)
Posted by skint @ 02:49 CDT, 29 April 2014 - iMsg
The MLG is teaming up with ESPN to bring COD to the X-Games.
5354 Hits
HL21 Inbound (HL speedrun) (54 comments)
Posted by skint @ 14:38 CDT, 11 April 2014 - iMsg

New HL1 speedrun in 21 minutes coming this Sunday!

21 min HYPE
Edited by skint at 15:05 CDT, 11 April 2014 - 23628 Hits
Thats one way to quit! (17 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:49 CDT, 4 April 2014 - iMsg
5730 Hits
We call it BBB (17 comments)
Posted by skint @ 08:01 CDT, 12 March 2014 - iMsg

Ouch at the prices! UK internet is so shit unless you live in a city.
4324 Hits
Syria homie, front line baby (8 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:22 CST, 4 March 2014 - iMsg
Edited by skint at 13:22 CST, 4 March 2014 - 2844 Hits
Console players (9 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:07 CST, 3 March 2014 - iMsg
Came home from work and house mates playing bf4 on Xbox one, lagging quite noticeably. He says might just cancel broadband and get a dongle thing as it will be better! We have had some problems with it recently so rang and they said they would fix it, which they seem to have done as its gradually going up every day.

Anyway I asked what server he was on and he was playing on the US West server!! Told him to try Europe or at worst US East but hes adament its the broadband and not the server being 4-6(?) thousand miles away.

1994 Hits
1721 Hits
Source 2.0 (30 comments)
Posted by skint @ 10:45 CST, 2 February 2014 - iMsg
2733 Hits
Kingdom Come: Deliverance (medievil rpg) (13 comments)
Posted by skint @ 18:33 CST, 25 January 2014 - iMsg
Looks amazing! skyrim + dark souls + some others... no magic bullshit or dragons. Hit the kickstarter target in a day.
3466 Hits
Skyrim mods (12 comments)
Posted by skint @ 09:12 CST, 17 January 2014 - iMsg
I've just downloaded Skyrim on steam after buying it in the winter sale for about £3.50 (bargain) and got a pc that is able to run it.

Are there any mods that people recommend to add for a first play through? Don't really want any graphics mods unless they hardly touch performance as the pc still isn't that powerful. Would love to add all of those but oh well.
2699 Hits
Broodwar is back! (26 comments)
Posted by skint @ 06:50 CST, 8 January 2014 - iMsg

I know theres been other posts recently about broodwar tournaments but this article mentions Yellow, Sea & JangBi coming back to the game as GomTV unveils 'GomTV Classic Season 4'
3516 Hits
Alien Isolation (137 comments)
Posted by skint @ 14:24 CST, 7 January 2014 - iMsg

ok so colonial marines was a bit of a let down after the amazing demo that was shown before release. but this is based on the first alien film and looks to capture the atmosphere perfectly!
Edited by skint at 14:27 CST, 7 January 2014 - 31526 Hits
JAMERIO VS LETHE (471 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:49 CST, 23 December 2013 - iMsg
who is the dumbest? how many are bored of their shit?
66334 Hits
PC upgrade help?! (16 comments)
Posted by skint @ 04:33 CST, 16 December 2013 - iMsg
So I am thinking of buying an xbox one just after Christmas, however I'm in a dilemma as I sort of want a good PC as well as/instead of!
Ideally I want to buy a Benq XL2411T and connect my PC and xbox one upto it. Current PC will play all games I want such as quake and other older games. Or if I could find a cheap 120hz monitor that would be even better, could be 2nd hand or refurbished. Seen some Asus and Acer ones going for just over £100 on UK ebay but people say they aren't that great? bearing in mind it could end up JUST for quake and older games.

Basically for about £400-£450 what would you buy to upgrade my PC, I would need a motherboard, CPU, ram, graphics card and PSU.

Based off of UK prices please!
2674 Hits
server rental (41 comments)
Posted by skint @ 08:25 CST, 15 December 2013 - iMsg
I know you used to be able to rent servers for specific games (i had one for q4) but do people offer a server that i could do anything i want with? how much etc?

I'd like to have a server that i can change games on every so often, games like doom, quake series and any other good older fps games. being able to change the game and add any mods or maps etc that i wish. probably change it weekly or have specific games/mods on specific days.

preferably in the uk, in europe if not.
5565 Hits
The Viper Squad -vs- Suddendeath (13 comments)
Posted by skint @ 04:11 CST, 2 December 2013 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.4 (10 votes)
Gametype: TDM 4v4
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Team Death Match
Viewpoint: MVD
Version info: QW
How to play back Q1 demos

The grand final of the Quakeworld European Quake League featuring Sweden Suddendeath vs Finland TheViper Squad



The Viper Squad


Edited by xou at 04:59 CST, 2 December 2013 - 53905 Hits
ITS OVER 9000!! DHW (66 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:40 CST, 30 November 2013 - iMsg
10,500 viewers!!!
14300 Hits
PS4 fastest selling console (25 comments)
Posted by skint @ 09:19 CST, 18 November 2013 - iMsg
They sold 1 million units in 24 hours and that's just in the USA and Canada. The demand was there and they managed to have 1 million consoles available at launch.
3074 Hits
triple channel in dual channel? (4 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:35 CST, 4 November 2013 - iMsg
Im currently building another cheap pc for quake etc by buying 2nd hand parts or cheap from ebay.

Ive seen some triple channel ddr3 ram (3x2gb) that seems to go for the same price or cheaper as dual channel (2x2gb) ram. The motherboard will have 2 ram slots, my question is if i buy a triple channel kit and just use 2 sticks and sell the third on will the 2 sticks just work as normal in dual channel?
1539 Hits
Giant penis squirt (17 comments)
Posted by skint @ 05:51 CST, 3 November 2013 - iMsg
9370 Hits
Hate my internet! (20 comments)
Posted by skint @ 15:33 CDT, 28 October 2013 - iMsg

622Mbps down/20 Mbps up from lunar orbit! I get about 14/0.8 from less than a mile away.
11360 Hits
Quakeworld demos? (12 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:48 CDT, 27 October 2013 - iMsg
Now that Challenge-tv is dead (RIP) where can I download the latest Quakeworld demos from?

I've seen this site which is good - - but I'm looking for the most recent demos such as the current Duelmania tournament.
9266 Hits
1775 Hits
GTA Online players! (7 comments)
Posted by skint @ 08:27 CDT, 7 October 2013 - iMsg
A thread to post any tips on making money, killing players and whatever else maybe worth sharing.

I'll start...

You can sell cars at the various Los Santos Customs for cash, find out which are worth the most and find them if poss. 8k is the max i think, like the range rover and bmw lookalikes. You can sell a car once every game day which is 48 minutes.

Theres a survival mission up near Trevors house that is pretty easy to make alot of money on in a relatively short period of time. Make sure you have 3-4 players and you should easily get to wave 8-10 (20k if you finish wave 10!) Aditional tip for this mission is to stand on the blue bin behind the tall fence to kill the majority of the enemies without threat of being hit, can fit 2
players on it.

With these 2 tips alone you can earn about 50k in an hour
Edited by skint at 08:29 CDT, 7 October 2013 - 3245 Hits
HL3 CONFIRMED (30 comments)
Posted by skint @ 09:19 CDT, 2 October 2013 - iMsg
4455 Hits
Your ultimate tournament (76 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:37 CDT, 30 September 2013 - iMsg
Ok so you win the lottery and with quake being the best game ever created and you being a massive quake fan with quite a few million burning a hole in your pocket you want to give something to the community, show this game off as it deserves!

How would you want to do it, multiple tournaments or one big one? Tournament gametype? Tournament structure? Where would it be held? Prize structure? Etc etc etc describe your ultimate tournament(s)

the only rules are that the budget is ROUGHLY $2 million and it would be over one year max (jan-dec)
Edited by skint at 12:39 CDT, 30 September 2013 - 9051 Hits
QL, twitch & xbox (4 comments)
Posted by skint @ 07:05 CDT, 25 September 2013 - iMsg
Well I knew that a Twitch app had been released on the Xbox 360 in the states a few months back but didn't know it was now available in Europe. After finally flashing my Xbox DVD to stock so I can play GTA5 online next week, i went onto Xbox Live and saw the app there. It's about as basic as you can get with being able to list games etc, i don't think you can login or save faves. Then theres just a play/pause, stop and quality option.
But anyway I found Zoot's stream in about 5 secs and it works great, quake stream straight to the big tv in high quality no probs. There isn't a chat (which can be a good thing) in the app so I used Livestream on my phone in the chat only mode.

Now this could be quite good for spectating tourneys with fellow quakers if they have an Xbox and use the headset. Just an easy way of watching streams on the big screen. So if anyone wants to add me on Xbox Live my user name is 'qskint'

However the other way to use this that would be more beneficial to quake in general would be having mates already on xbox Live that havn't seen Quake Live to have a look and using comms maybe talk them through it. I'm going to see if a few guys at work are interested in having a look. We did try playing it at work on the network and they did have fun and were impressed by how fast I could move around the map and aim (i know right!) but due to me owning them without trying we ended up going back to CS/COD... Hopefully come Sunday I can wait until some later games and get them on for an hour to check it out.
2774 Hits
SteamOS! (11 comments)
Posted by skint @ 04:14 CDT, 24 September 2013 - iMsg

SteamOS combines the rock-solid architecture of Linux with a gaming experience built for the big screen.
It will be available soon as a free stand-alone operating system for living room machines.
Edited by skint at 04:15 CDT, 24 September 2013 - 3188 Hits
Duke Nukem Forever 1996 (6 comments)
Posted by skint @ 05:10 CDT, 21 September 2013 - iMsg
2896 Hits
Street Fighter documentary (9 comments)
Posted by skint @ 06:40 CDT, 4 September 2013 - iMsg
2295 Hits
The Chaos Engine (5 comments)
Posted by skint @ 04:28 CDT, 3 September 2013 - iMsg

Don't know what the differences are to the original? Looks pretty much the same to me. But the original was so good so I'm getting it anyway.
Edited by skint at 14:30 CDT, 6 September 2013 - 1969 Hits
RIP David Frost (1 comment)
Posted by skint @ 11:47 CDT, 1 September 2013 - iMsg
Broadcaster and writer Sir David Frost dies at the age of 74 following a suspected heart attack.
1440 Hits
Summer cup TDM final (8 comments)
Posted by skint @ 10:38 CDT, 1 September 2013 - iMsg

happening today. hopefully some streams will be up to watch 102 dominate!
3526 Hits
Syndicate Wars playthrough (5 comments)
Posted by skint @ 08:50 CDT, 1 September 2013 - iMsg
I've started doing a Syndicate Wars playthrough and uploading the videos to YouTube. Will be adding more missions as I complete them and writing an explanation of what goes on in the description.

Making this run as efficient as I can, not losing any Agents and researching certain items as they are needed. Money is really important at the start of the game so doing correct research and loot as many items as possible is a must. Once a few banks have been robbed, quite early on it makes it alot easier. Also getting to arms, legs and body level 3 early really helps... and collecting the epidermis' - great fan site with just about every piece of information you could want for the syndicate games. - a port to make it run easily on new computers. - new kickstarter being developed by the guy that made Syndicate.
Edited by skint at 09:25 CDT, 2 September 2013 - 2633 Hits
Die-cast Doom minitures (3 comments)
Posted by skint @ 08:28 CDT, 29 August 2013 - iMsg
1689 Hits
Crowd funding operation (3 comments)
Posted by skint @ 09:12 CDT, 28 August 2013 - iMsg
Edited by skint at 09:41 CDT, 28 August 2013 - 1527 Hits
Game capture software (14 comments)
Posted by skint @ 07:48 CDT, 25 August 2013 - iMsg
Whats the best video capture software available? Looking to record some old games and put them onto youtube etc.
2965 Hits
Just take all my money!!! (6 comments)
Posted by skint @ 15:09 CDT, 23 August 2013 - iMsg

please come out soon
3464 Hits
CPMA by SKA (8 comments)
Posted by skint @ 16:05 CDT, 17 August 2013 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8 (24 votes)
CPM frag movie by Ska.

Links: bosstour
Edited by Badb0y at 08:57 CDT, 26 August 2013 - 4598 Hits
America vs Europe (8 comments)
Posted by skint @ 06:59 CDT, 16 August 2013 - iMsg
4236 Hits
Doom Multiplayer (49 comments)
Posted by skint @ 07:22 CDT, 5 August 2013 - iMsg
Well after watching Doom 2 at Qcon I'd like to play a bit, what are the main websites/programs/communities used?
15117 Hits
Insane RC helicopter (8 comments)
Posted by skint @ 15:29 CDT, 3 August 2013 - iMsg
2553 Hits
Shadowrun Returns (5 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:45 CDT, 26 July 2013 - iMsg
Really nice art and the editor should help produce alot of nice work.

discuss game
1433 Hits
For all you P0ni lovers (24 comments)
Posted by skint @ 04:43 CDT, 17 July 2013 - iMsg
6859 Hits
BIG Eve rage (4 comments)
Posted by skint @ 15:31 CDT, 11 July 2013 - iMsg
1857 Hits
Quake & Oculus Rift (18 comments)
Posted by skint @ 06:47 CDT, 11 July 2013 - iMsg
4196 Hits
GTA 5 (1 comment)
Posted by skint @ 14:13 CDT, 9 July 2013 - iMsg
New gameplay reveal trailer

Wasn't that fussed but now i want it!
824 Hits
Flashback (3 comments)
Posted by skint @ 07:03 CDT, 9 July 2013 - iMsg
Amazing game! Didn't even know theres a remake coming out on consoles this summer.
1601 Hits
1338 Hits
Bitcoins???? (128 comments)
Posted by skint @ 07:14 CDT, 2 July 2013 - iMsg
Can someone explain what these are in laymans terms for me please?

Just read something on Arstechina about a little bitcoins mining device, read the whole thing and been looking on miners for the PC but I still have no idea what it's all about?
Does a miner make the digital currency?
30653 Hits
Rise of the Triad (1 comment)
Posted by skint @ 05:15 CDT, 2 July 2013 - iMsg
It's going to be released on the 31st July by digital distribution for the small sum of $14.99. But it you pre-order you get some old games thrown in.

In one fell swoop, Apogee and Interceptor have simultaneously dropped a ludicrous nostalgia bomb and one helluva pre-order incentive for the upcoming Rise of the Triad™ remake:

Beginning July 1st, pre-order Rise of the Triad™ and get the Apogee Throwback Pack™ for FREE, and available for immediate download. The Apogee Throwback Pack™, a collection that includes the original classic Rise of the Triad: Dark War™ and Extreme Rise of the Triad™ expansion pack, as well as Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold™ and Blake Stone: Planet Strike™, is available NOW for $9.99, but is FREE with your Rise of the Triad™ pre-order.

Pre-orders are available on all your favorite sites, including Apogee (, Steam (, (, and Green Man Gaming (
Edited by skint at 05:18 CDT, 2 July 2013 - 2555 Hits
Mobile Phones (9 comments)
Posted by skint @ 06:04 CDT, 14 June 2013 - iMsg
I'm due a new phone in a month or two and will probably be going for a HTC One or Samsung Galaxy s4.

Is it possible to use a torrent app to download movies/tv series etc and then play it using the phone via a hdmi cable to a TV in either SD/HD?
Under the impression that with an Android phone (app permiting) I would be able to pretty much do most stuff I can do on a PC, apart from gaming (although there are good mobile games) with the ability to output to my TV. Internet browsing, torrents, films, music and streams.
2542 Hits
Quake Roguelike (No comments)
Posted by skint @ 02:13 CDT, 14 June 2013 - iMsg

looks pretty cool, FPS binding of isaac (what he said anyway)??
1898 Hits
QL sound settings? (17 comments)
Posted by skint @ 15:18 CDT, 12 June 2013 - iMsg
What have people got their sound settings on?

I could hear 'ok' until i deleted my cfg by accident. I've now made a new one just using in game menus as im lazy, but the sound is AWEFUL.... cant tell where anything is or coming from.
11338 Hits
4149 Hits
E3 Thread (34 comments)
Posted by skint @ 08:04 CDT, 9 June 2013 - iMsg
Starts tomorow, add anything about it here now and during.
4214 Hits
Starcraft 2 free for friends (5 comments)
Posted by skint @ 05:07 CDT, 7 June 2013 - iMsg

Players with heart of the swarm can now add upto 14 friends who can then play the multiplayer for free... as long as they like Terran. Ladder Ranking etc is obviously not available either.
Edited by skint at 05:07 CDT, 7 June 2013 - 1579 Hits
pc upgrade £300 (9 comments)
Posted by skint @ 09:05 CDT, 5 June 2013 - iMsg
What would you buy with a maximum of £300 - cpu/mobo/ram/graphics card only.
1435 Hits
Name the Game [2] (27 comments)
Posted by skint @ 17:09 CDT, 1 June 2013 - iMsg
Name these classic games!

7145 Hits
1249 Hits
New Xbox (98 comments)
Posted by skint @ 04:09 CDT, 21 May 2013 - iMsg
Microsoft xbox reveal tonight at 6pm BST
23702 Hits
FILMS (208 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:45 CDT, 10 May 2013 - iMsg
67352 Hits
90's - early 2000's Jungle/Drum n Bass (82 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:17 CDT, 24 April 2013 - iMsg
Recommend me loads of albums for me to download please or mixes/dj sets if you have them. Preferably without an MC.

for reference 'Dillinja - Cybotron' best album ever!

Brockie best DJ..
Edited by skint at 13:18 CDT, 24 April 2013 - 74840 Hits
Gemini Rue (point n click) (14 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:23 CDT, 12 April 2013 - iMsg
If you like your old school point n clicks you should definatly try out this sci fi point n click adventure. Similar to Beneath a Steel Sky (best adventure yet!)
It's not that long but has a great story to it.

It has been out a while but i discovered it today as its just been released for iOS so can get it on that or pc.

Can you recommend more great adventure games? i personally prefer sci-fi ones. new or old or indie!
Edited by skint at 12:25 CDT, 12 April 2013 - 3554 Hits
Blackout tournament (10 comments)
Posted by skint @ 10:09 CST, 9 March 2013 - iMsg
whats happening with this??? no demos or vods or anything?
3835 Hits
LoL (7 comments)
Posted by skint @ 17:13 CST, 7 February 2013 - iMsg
LoL Riot Games (214368 viewers)
1434 Hits
HUD competition! (9 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:38 CST, 31 January 2013 - iMsg
Competition for people to create the best HUD for demo viewing purposes!

Post entries with a pic and the HUD file.

Winner(s) receive plusses!
2903 Hits
102 t-shirts (9 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:40 CST, 28 January 2013 - iMsg
where can i buy one? with cooller name on the back, infact i'd prob buy one of every player on the team!

lexaa never did send me a c58 one =(
3067 Hits
Recording some games!? (3 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:15 CST, 14 January 2013 - iMsg
I've recently been playing quite a bit of Syndicate Wars on the PC (amazing game, go play it!) and at a few parts of the game when it got really tough i did read a couple of guides, but also looked on YouTube and found nothing at all really. Quite surprised i didn't even find anything on the great Longplays channel. So basically I'd like to be able to record me playing the game so I can upload the videos to YouTube.
Whats the best software to do this at the moment? Also will my PC specs make a difference to the video quality/game performance (i know its an old game) My pc is a AMD 7850 BE (2.8ghz) 2gb ram and 8800gts.

1015 Hits
Pc upgrade? (9 comments)
Posted by skint @ 08:59 CST, 1 January 2013 - iMsg
At the moment I have a amd 7850 BE with 2gb ddr2 ram and a 320mb 8800gts. I was thinking about buying a whole new system but talked myself out of that to save money. Also have 60gb ssd to fit in too.

The motherboard is an asrock n68-s so I'll find the fastest quad core phenom 2 that it'll take and buy 2x2gb ddr2 sticks, unless I happen to find 2x4gb sticks that don't cost a fortune.

Now I'm not sure what graphics card to get. My original plan was for a 660ti but I'm wondering if it'll be overkill for the rest of the system? Should I stick to this or go for a cheaper card such as a 650ti or ati 77xx/78xx???
1509 Hits
Dead End Thrills (1 comment)
Posted by skint @ 12:31 CST, 23 December 2012 - iMsg

some really nice stuff
2154 Hits
quick hud cfg question (5 comments)
Posted by skint @ 14:29 CST, 19 December 2012 - iMsg
I'm making a hud for demo viewing purposes and i cant for the life of me remember/find the command to place the text on the screen to show which player you are following!?!?
1310 Hits
Polosat1y (18 comments)
Posted by skint @ 16:46 CDT, 28 August 2012 - iMsg
Polos iz rulezz!!1

But what is he doing nowadays?
5379 Hits
Dayz (59 comments)
Posted by skint @ 18:27 CDT, 19 August 2012 - iMsg
Anyone playing this? I love the concept and want to get it but it's just so weird. I've spent about 5-6 hours watching streams on over the weekend and 90% of the time absolutely nothing happens, yet I still want it!!??
15274 Hits
Cheap laptop for sc2 (22 comments)
Posted by skint @ 03:38 CDT, 27 July 2012 - iMsg
I want to start playing starcraft 2 so what would be a good cheapest laptop to play it on?

Guess I would need more than any integrated gfx? Such as Intel gma x4500?
Edited by skint at 03:41 CDT, 27 July 2012 - 4654 Hits
Ouya (5 comments)
Posted by skint @ 15:05 CDT, 12 July 2012 - iMsg

Looks quite interesting and for only $99 I'd buy one for its hackability, media centre, emulators etc
2092 Hits
Best matches EVO 2012 (10 comments)
Posted by skint @ 17:13 CDT, 9 July 2012 - iMsg
Links to YouTube videos of the best matches from Evo 2012, any game!
2329 Hits
City break (19 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:00 CDT, 1 July 2012 - iMsg
I want to get away for a short break, probably stay in Europe as I don't want it to cost too much (flights) due to going away in September. Thinking just 3 nights and going on my own.

So where can people recommend? And any tips please, transport, food, things to do in the evening etc etc.

At the moment I'm thinking Rome as I've always wanted to visit the colleseum etc. I'd like to go somewhere where I can pretty much just walk around the sights and grab food easily.
6622 Hits
Reborn? (34 comments)
Posted by skint @ 16:59 CDT, 12 June 2012 - iMsg
The game 2gd is wanting to do.... Where is some info on the ideas? Text or iPad friendly video please.
9111 Hits
Carmaggedon (14 comments)
Posted by skint @ 11:46 CDT, 1 June 2012 - iMsg
Coming to iOS soon! And free for the first 24 hours as celebration of Carmaggedon: reincarnation coming out on the pc.
3980 Hits
Saturn vs PSX (34 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:46 CST, 25 January 2012 - iMsg
I can't decide which one to buy!?

Japanese white Saturn or chipped PSOne? With the intention of collecting, when bargains come up.

Already bought dodonpachi on psx and guardian heroes/donpachi for Saturn as they were cheap but I only want to collect for one!
10459 Hits
Richard garriott (2 comments)
Posted by skint @ 16:34 CST, 15 January 2012 - iMsg
Didnt know about this film, Lord British in space
1921 Hits
Raspberry pi (6 comments)
Posted by skint @ 15:02 CST, 26 December 2011 - iMsg
Dunno if any of you have seen these but they look awesome and I can't wait to buy a few in January.

It's a tiny pc on a single board which is about the size of a credit card and runs Linux. The spec is a 700mhz ARM processor with 128 or 256mb ram, USB port(s) and hdmi out, using an sd card for storage. They've shown a few demos of it being able to play back H.264 1080p video and also a quick demo of it playing quake 3 with full graphics in 1080p resolution at about 25fps.

The most impressive thing is the price with the 128mb version at $25 and the 265mb/2 USB/Ethernet priced at $35. They do have mains power but can also be powered from 4xAA batteries.

Got a few things I want to try with them such as MAME machine built into a joystick, tiny quake 1 box and a little media box.
5516 Hits
Prometheus (269 comments)
Posted by skint @ 03:39 CST, 23 December 2011 - iMsg

Looks to be a true Alien prequel, the space jockey, the space jockey head on the conveyor belt and the weird alien ship. The trailer looks really good and I can't wait for some more aliens related movies!
72738 Hits
Dillinja Cybotron (5 comments)
Posted by skint @ 15:37 CST, 16 November 2011 - iMsg
Why can't I buy this amazing album on iTunes? I go all legit and decide to buy a few albums on my phone and then I can't get my favourite album :(
2675 Hits
QW YouTube channels (3 comments)
Posted by skint @ 15:26 CST, 16 November 2011 - iMsg
As title, YouTube channels full of quakeworld matches, duel and tdm preferably!
2214 Hits
Marco Simoncelli... (14 comments)
Posted by skint @ 04:33 CDT, 23 October 2011 - iMsg
Italian MotoGP rider died today at Sepang, Malaysia. Pretty horrible crash, sliding off and being hit by 2 other riders with his helmet being knocked off too.
Edited by skint at 04:34 CDT, 23 October 2011 - 2174 Hits
Bf3 beta (61 comments)
Posted by skint @ 13:52 CDT, 4 October 2011 - iMsg
Why did they release a demo that basically plays like mw? I don't understand why the beta doesn't have a decent large open map with vehicles.
I never liked mw and mw2 due to it feeling more like a close quarters death match. But then I started playing bc2 and loved it due to actually feeling like a big battle and being able to use infantry and vehicles on a huge battlefield.
I know this demo doesn't represent the whole game but it feels very un-battlefield. The first and third sections are ok but could be bigger but I absolutely detest the subway section.
Oh and don't get me started on adding prone!

Anyway I'll see what the final release looks like and just hope there's more gameplay like bc2 and alot less to zero gameplay like mw.

Rant done
10084 Hits
Syndicate (new game) (15 comments)
Posted by skint @ 17:02 CDT, 29 September 2011 - iMsg
Well I've been looking forward to this ever since there's been talk of another sequel years ago, with syndicate (and wars) being one my favourite games of all time.
However after watching this new trailer it sure as hell doesn't look like syndicate. Gone is the squad based tactical shoot em up and in comes what looks to me alot like a Deus Ex HR clone.
It does look ok just not syndicate and I like the new remix of the original music.

Just wish there was a level editor for the original or wars.
Edited by Nukm at 18:34 CDT, 29 September 2011 - 5924 Hits
Razer arcade stick (21 comments)
Posted by skint @ 14:20 CDT, 29 September 2011 - iMsg
Seems razor are entering the arcade stick market although no details as to what components it will use.
7596 Hits
This website (29 comments)
Posted by skint @ 17:45 CDT, 16 September 2011 - iMsg
Has gone to shit.
6174 Hits
Quakecon matches YouTube (1 comment)
Posted by skint @ 14:45 CDT, 5 August 2011 - iMsg
Any matches been put up on YouTube?
1217 Hits
From Dust (from Another World creator) (5 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:31 CDT, 1 August 2011 - iMsg
Is anyone playing this excellent new game by Eric Chahi (he made Another World/Out of this World) It's a god game where you have to manipulate the land to help your tribe with similarities to populous. I've bought it on XBLA but it's out or coming out on the PC and PS3. - tech demo - gameplay video
1898 Hits
Quake rig. (13 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:52 CDT, 12 July 2011 - iMsg
Everything is bought now and delivered apart from the case which is coming tomorrow. Unfortunately it ended up costing about £30-40 more than I had planned though. Overall it seems ok for the money, could have probably saved a bit more on the graphics card and ended up buying a brand new case as the ones going on eBay for cheap were a bit crap and looked worse so just decided to buy a CoolerMaster Elite 343 to get the job complete.

AMD Athlon X2 7850 Black Edition - £25 eBay
ASRock N68-S motherboard - £15 eBay
Arctic Cooler 64 freezer pro - £10 eBay
Inno3D 8800GTS 320mb - £35 eBay
Crucial Ballistix 2x1gb DDR2 ram - £13 eBay
Jeantech 450w PSU - £13 discount place
Seagate 320gb HDD - £10 eBay
CoolerMaster Elite 343 case - £31 Amazon

Total = £152

Was thinking about using the OCZ vertex 2 SSD I have but seems a waste so just going to sell it instead, might even sell this computer yet.

Going to build it tomorrow then I'll find out if any of the parts work! Also need to find somewhere to put it and will hook it up to a tv until I can get a free monitor. Will just be used for QW, Q3 and QL... really missing some dm!
Edited by skint at 12:54 CDT, 12 July 2011 - 4502 Hits
App development (25 comments)
Posted by skint @ 12:17 CDT, 3 July 2011 - iMsg
I want to look into building apps for mobile phone and tablet devices on platforms such as android and ios. I have about zero coding knowledge so I'm wondering what the bets way to go about it would be? Are there programs to make apps? would I need to learn some coding? Which coding language would be the best (also easiest)?

Just any information about it really.
5470 Hits
iPad/iPhone games (10 comments)
Posted by skint @ 10:05 CDT, 2 July 2011 - iMsg
Been downloading and playing quite alot of good games on my iPad recently and thought I'd share the best. Good time to do it as there's some big sales on at the moment.

Dead Space - pretty much like the pc/console versions, excellent graphics especially on the ipad2 (heavily reduced at the moment)

Street Fighter IV Volt - this new volt edition has online play.

Starfront : collision - RTS that plays very much like a mini starcraft, has 3 races and quite a few maps. Having alot of fun playing it online. (heavily reduced at the moment)
Works and looks even better on the iPad.

Land Sea Air Warfare - another great RTS but this time more akin to Total Annihilation and being able to show many more units (250-1000) works and runs really well. Has a random map generator too. The only problem is the whole game is based about skirmishes against the A.I. which works great but adding a multiplayer mode would be amazing. Read that the guy is still working on it though so hopefully mp will be added. Also on pc and loads of other devices.

Icarus-X - pretty nice and cheap Shoot em up

Danmaku Unlimited - another nice bullet hell shoot em up.

Mostly playing the Starcraft clone at the minute, online. Just waiting for an update to 'land sea air warfare' as it's going to me epic if they add multiplayer!
2846 Hits
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