Winner:czm wins all Aerowalks, Odds: 62% (1.6:1)
Bets placed: E$67564, betting open: 08:35 CDT 20 Jun 2005 to 18:59 CDT 5 Jul 2005

Loser:czm loses at least one Aerowalk, Odds: 37% (2.6:1)
Bets placed: E$42320, betting open: 08:35 CDT 20 Jun 2005 to 18:59 CDT 5 Jul 2005

Paul czm Nelson is one of the strong favourites of the Electronic Sports World Cup. In 2004, czm proved to be unstoppable on this map, bulldozing nearly everyone on his way. Will he keep it up and win all his Aerowalks?