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Rating: 7 (2 votes)
On behalf of my IRL-friend and clanmate of my clan Northern Darkness, I would like to get nd2.LaZ' great piece of work out to a larger audience by posting it here aswell. It's a Soldier of Fortune 2 movie, containing a few spectacular effects, nice editing, and in opposition of most videos where you see a head sticking up a mile away being taken off by some random pro-aimer, actually entertaining frags, quite a few explosions and up-close camera angles. Lots of variety compressed into 5:32, and in my opinion a step forward in SoF2 movie-making.

So far it has been getting great feedback and quite a few downloads in short time. To sum it up, I'd like to quote own-age himself:
Northern Darkness is a sof2 video produced by nd2.LaZ showing off some serious sof2 gameplay along with some real nice effects. All wrapped up into a dark theme of music. You don't have to be a sof2 junkie to enjoy this fine piece of work.