OK so I am a medium skilled Quake Live player (I play at tier 4 in FFA, have 20% overall accuracy, 30% mg, 25% lg, 40% rail, 35% rockets) so just your average tier 4... not good but not bad either. I probably win 1/8 of my FFA games... I am a fairly new Quake Live player having only played a month... my only prior experience to playing shooters was Quake III Arena which I only occasionally played online and mostly against Nightmare bots.

If anything I can say fairly certainly in my experience is that accuracy is such an important factor that say a player X has really good map knowledge, only 25% overall accuracy uses different weapons was pitted against player Y who JUST uses machine gun and has 50% accuracy - I think there is almost no doubt that the MGer with good aim will ALMOST ALWAYS win against the player with half the accuracy despite the fact his overall gameplay is better (knows where powerups are, moves better etc...).

In most of the games, with some exceptions, the player at the top of the scoreboard is the one who was the most accurate that game... of course you could say that anyone can achieve a high accuracy by being patient and taking time to aim... but lets face it... most players as soon as they see an opponent they SPAM non stop until the target is dead, moved away or he himself has died.

So that brings me to the conclusion that Quake Live is a game about 'all aim, no brain' and I really like this game... it is addictive its fun and I can play it all day and I really enjoy it. But in my view this game is really lacking a lot of strategy... which of course is less prominent in FPS titles... but nevertheless I am sure most of you people are inclined to agree that if your accuracy % is above the average (in my view 20-25% accuracy is the average accuracy level in Quake Live) your win rate will be fairly good and can expect to dominate most FFA games... for e.g I remember the last game I played on the Longest Yard... I was like 3rd place, my acc was 27% but the guy on top who was literally dominating everyone and achieving a very high frag count per minute had something like 50% and his most used weapon was the machine gun so obviously a fairly skilled player and far above the average for that server.

However, this is something I enjoy about Quake Live... I almost always know why I lost and it can really be broken down, in a nutshell, to a few things:

1) I didn't spam enough shots in a short enough time.

2) My accuracy % is not high enough.

3) I kept switching targets too often.

1 and 2 are THE most important and avoiding the bad habit of 3 also helps. But my point still stands, that you don't need to get anything other than MG ammo if your accuracy is good enough.

C'mon if I was playing against even a semi decent player with this handicap: he can only use MG and I had EVERY weapon ALREADY at disposal I would probably lose every single time.

Btw... the machine gun is a GREAT weapon... its better than any non-hitscan other than the rocket launcher and if your MG is good trust me (I have seen it) you can really own people so hard.