Scheduled: 14:00 CDT, 23 October 2011 to 16:30 CDT, 23 October 2011
Schedule: Passed

Third match week is upon us with a lot of good matches, where some of them are from last week (wildcards). Also stream rules have been updated, so all broadcasters should take a look at it.

Upcoming match/es:
14:00 CDT, 23 October 2011 | Russia incredible Panic - Enemy Unknown Europe - en3my dropped the cup
14:00 CDT, 23 October 2011 | Europe 2K - Elite Killers United Kingdom - rescheduled
14:30 CDT, 23 October 2011 | Sweden aCtion Ligan - Excelsior Hungary @ exodus TV
16:00 CDT, 23 October 2011 | Spain District 9 - Enemy Unknown Europe - en3my dropped the cup

Links: ClanBase EC XXIV, Rules, Groups, Roster, CBooky, mIRC #clanbase.ql, Twitter Cup updates