So with #tdmpickup coming into it's own (thank you Draven and all working on this shit!), and me trying to improve in games, I thought in general, this thread could be useful for everyone playing these games as a "I'd love to know [this] but I'm too embarrassed to ask" or even just experienced people sharing things/tips you should know sort of thing.

I've noticed there's quite a lot of new guys to TDM (myself included) in these games in what I guess nicely could be described as a lower tier to the rest of the people joining. That's not to say they're clueless or useless. The annoying thing is most of these players can hold their own on public, and top frag etc - but that's just the point. It's public. They've got the mechanics there, just not the experience or know-how of what to do in (I guess you could say) a somewhat organized match :P

So basically, for all you more experienced TDMers, maybe people that are new to it but recently realized/learnt something that was so obvious they didn't think of it, or even just people wanting to ask shit, this thread could be pretty useful.

In general, of the top of my head, would be helpful to know
- Map specifics
- Weapon/armor/health situations etc (aim, prediction, whatever)
- How to actually play in terms of dynamics (one thing I've noticed is a lot of new players just run around MG-sassing and hoping to pickup a weapon)
- Useful links or whatever
- etcetcetcetc

IRC mIRC #tdmpickup
Links: TDM pickup Site,,