thought about that remembering a physics class experiment : it was a disk with a line drew like that :

the disk is spinning from its center, and you have a remote to vary the spinning speed
when starting spinning the disk, the line would obviously become harder and harder to see, until you cannot distinguish it at all ; but reaching a certain speed value (or a multiple of it btw) you would see the line, which at some point would even appear static, etc
I guess you all have experienced this, at least eg watching on a speedway a running car's wheel rims seeming to become static at a certain speed
or see this vid with the same thing going on : (a multiple of) the cam's fps rate matches the heli's rotor's revolutions per second :

can't we find our own eye fps limit using this and settle this shit once and for all ?

ps : wrote like crap cause I felt like to, sry