Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
In the United States, there are basically two political parties: the Democratic party and the Republican party. These are only labels. The Democratic is actually the American party, comprised mostly of real, true Americans. The Republican party is the white supremacist party, a completely anti-American group.

The various sects of Republicans include neo-Nazi's, KKK members, confederates (the first major anti-American cancerous element), clueless idiots who believe the Republican party is virtuous and patriotic, and greedy scum who exchange votes for bribes coming in the form of tax-breaks (it's like voting for Hitler because he gave you $1,000 you don't need).

In this nation, a civil war has been raging for 150 years. It began with the original civil war, which Americans are all familiar with. What people do not know is how the civil war never ended, it only changed forms. If you think about it, why would a massive anti-American movement, made by people who were such enemies of America they would start a war over their hatred and hostility, simply give up their conquest when they could continue by infiltrating the United States government and changing the entire country into what they wanted? A horrible, brutal war occurs, then the loser simply says, 'ok, you win, let's hold hands and enjoy rainbows'? Definitely not... they put down guns and picked up politics, knowing it was legal to take government positions.

The Republican deception runs so deep, the American people do not realize the Republican party is an anti-American white supremacist group (the people fail to realize this, even though, in this nation of extreme ethnic diversity, the Republican party consists of roughly 90% white people - a fact you could say is hiding in plain sight). The Republicans even manage to convince clueless fools of this nation how the Republican party is the patriotic party (the United States is supposed to be a nation of equality for everyone, hence the entire Constitution; e.g. freedom of speech for everyone, not just for white people). They use every trick conceivable to distract people from the truth, deceive people of Republican intentions, erode American principles, and obtain votes by any means possible.

If you are wondering, the Republican party is roughly 100% responsible for the Iraq and Vietnam wars. They are also responsible for the 'War on Drugs', a massive failure as a movement and the single greatest violation of the Constitution (4th and 8th amendments), next to prohibition (virtually the same as the War on Drugs, carried out by the same people). And yes, the Nazi-caliber War on Terror, of course, the work of the Republican Hitler George Bush.

The Democratic party? They are responsible for American involvement in WWI and WWII, and in no other major wars. They uphold the Constitution as much as possible, considering the damage done by Republicans. They raise taxes when taxes need to be raised (which Republicans use as evidence of so-called 'liberalism'); they know people do not like their taxes raised (who doesn't know this?), but unlike Republicans, they do not resort to bribes for votes. The Democratic party fully practices American principles; they were responsible for the equal rights movements of both women and non-whites. The party is made up of all different ethnic and religious groups (Republicans are practically all Christians, even though, in this country, the church and state are supposed to be separated). And, they fully practice democracy (unlike Republicans, who act as dictators).

The Republican party is a group of traitors, who constantly border on treason.

You should not hate the United States. You should hate the Republican party. They are the one's who do everything the United States is hated for. The Democratic party fights them, but wars are not easy to win. I am certain though, the Democratic party would welcome allies from around the world. A great deal of global pressure could be put on the Republican party, causing its collapse. On the same token, a great deal of support could be given to the Democratic party, helping it over-come Republican obstacles. When the Republican party is eliminated, the problems coming from the United States will be gone.