#duel - http://produels.com ( under dev )

Our First TDM tournament, set to kick off jan, 20th.
Registration is still open, drop by the irc channel if you'd like to enter a team. GTV and ShoutCasting will there, address however will be provided on the 20th, in #duel and #duel.tdm on etg.

Team List

1. D|S - syn , (tba)
2. iAm - hyze , pey (tba)
3. DFM - kgb , (tba)
4. k9 - boo , fake_id, (tba)
5. destrophy - (tba)
6. Equality - bLt, mik3d, stunt, stid and staind
7. CCCP - soul, schnucks, lsv, cyzer, cdogg
8. The Cyclone Ballsack Rangers - WARLOCK, d4rpa, ej_, xzist
9. Nn - bio dj geoff and daler
10.(?) - stinger shadow tkjones (tba)
11. LUIS - vamp1re lsv apheleon gellehsak hoens