its like playin xbattle when you got q4max :(
Edited by draven- at 06:32 CST, 13 December 2006 - 82687 Hits
First of all would that be somehow a cheat on the community.
125fps movement was a bug, so it got fixed.
No, what you see is the exact same thing as Q4, as GreenBastard said: CB admins making the decisions and pushing their personal agendas for as long as possible until the situation becomes so laughable that they HAVE to change.
3. This is drastic and 1% chance. You can go and find a bug in OSP that makes it unplayable anymore. Remember vierprev bug? If you find simple command that crashes the server without pointing who did it - mod is unusable anymore (even if CPMA has this bug too it will be fixed in days I guess).You seriously consider to search for an DOS exploit, to sabotage the OSP server and ruin the game for the ones that prefer OSP, to force them to change to cpma?
If you want to convince OSPers (TO TRY!!!) to play CPMA VQ3 at least few games you have to:
3. This is drastic and 1% chance. You can go and find a bug in OSP that makes it unplayable anymore. Remember vierprev bug? If you find simple command that crashes the server without pointing who did it - mod is unusable anymore (even if CPMA has this bug too it will be fixed in days I guess).
Tell them ...... lies.