Loser:scr to win, Odds: 18% (5.3:1)
Bets placed: E$1350, betting open: 23:50 CST 6 Dec 2006 to 14:00 CST 7 Dec 2006

Winner:san to win, Odds: 81% (1.2:1)
Bets placed: E$17503, betting open: 23:50 CST 6 Dec 2006 to 14:00 CST 7 Dec 2006

Czech Republic Scrofulous^TEAM vs Europe Sanctuary

tonight @ 15:00 CDT

Europe Sanctuary win with 4:2 points

1:3 - Map: AreaN23-LE103
8:42 scr|OberChef captured the red flag! The blue team scores!
6:35 Patsui*SANCTURY captured the blue flag! The red team scores!
2:20 Patsui*SANCTURY captured the blue flag! The red team scores!
0:16 d1sc*san captured the blue flag! The red team scores!

2:0 - Map: CTF-RevengeLE-102
8:11 scr|shocK captured the red flag! The blue team scores!
6:20 scr|OberChef captured the red flag! The blue team scores!

1:3 - Map: Artic Glacier][
16:56 scr|OberChef captured the red flag! The blue team scores!
14:53 d1sc*san captured the blue flag! The red team scores!
11:38 kepa*san captured the blue flag! The red team scores!
4:29 d1sc*san captured the blue flag! The red team scores!

ESR Coverage