Take a loko at the pro-circuit for Quake4 at the moment. Lets see what we have: Toxic and Cooller constantly placing 1st and 2nd, and then you have about four-five people who cheep chaning positions in the following places.

I'm just curious as to wether this will happen again in Quake3.
Now I will be honst, I was not around for when Quake3 was big, I didn't really know about e-sports, etc. But from what I've learned, before Q3A's "demise" a few years back, it was mainly czm, cooler and zero4 who were the dominate players, not really letting anyone else get close. Yes there was a huge amout of skill (from what I have learned), but will the same players keep dominating? Will toxic be a dominate player? Can fatal1ty make his comback? how will stermy fair? Maby we will see Python doing Australia prowder than we have ever been of him before?
There was a LARGE skill base from what I have learned, and there seems to be alot of new players making there marker in Q4, how will they fair in Q3?
I guess only time will tell.
Will I be disapointed if I see another czm vs cooller game at CPL? Probably.