EC XIII Q4 1on1 : fooooki vs d1ablo
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Tied:fooki to win, Odds: 81% (1.2:1)
Bets placed: E$37748, betting open: 02:23 CDT 30 May 2006 to 14:00 CDT 30 May 2006
Tied:d1ablo to win, Odds: 18% (5.3:1)
Bets placed: E$6635, betting open: 02:23 CDT 30 May 2006 to 14:00 CDT 30 May 2006
Match Date/Time: ### TIME SYNTAX ERROR ###
rescheduled as fooki is in the UK atm (with no inet) - fixture refunded
Clanbase EuroCup XIII: Q4 1on1
Edited by Levi240 at 13:42 CDT, 30 May 2006 - 2087 Hits