This mourning I was doing my usual web roundup tour. Part of the tour sometimes includes a stopover at (aicn). Normally when I go to a different community I asume a different identity (I am one of those types that have more than 1 internet handle). How ever today my identitiies conflicted, all due to DJwheat!.
You see I was reading an article about the new Fast and the furious movie (yeah yeah I know, lame. But hey, I like cars). Some times I skim through the comments, aicn talkbalk can be quite entertaining sometimes. How ever I was brutally ripped out of "aicn role" when I stumbled across this comment

Brian Tee
by djWHEAT May 15th, 2006 09:43:20 AM CST
I interviewed Brian Tee this weekend at the Hip Hop Gaming League Finals and he had mentioned that there would be some big surprises for the audiences... I guess this is what he meant.

This comment is so lame on so many levels, how can someone plug the Hip hop gaming league?