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Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
Carpio Quake Champions Beta Impressions Generally Favorable
Carpio Which site will you be using? ESR
Carpio When were you introduced to quake? 1996 baby!
Carpio 125 FPS Showmatch - Cooller vs Strenx Cooller
Carpio DHW13 - Best Match Award Cypher vs Rapha
Carpio DHW13 - Best Comeback Award Killsen (POV) vs Dahang on Tox (Group)
Carpio Performance Awards Poll [1] Best frag
[2] Best match
[3] Best unexpected performance
[4] Best comeback
[5] Best interview
Carpio Duel timelimit poll Time limit 15 min
Carpio Adroits duel map poll Toxicity
Carpio Diablo III class ? Barbarian
Carpio Best 2011 movie? Cooller 2010/2011
Carpio DreamHack Winter 2011 Duel winner strenx
Carpio What QL account would you pay for ? Premium account
Carpio Least competitive duel QL map? [1] qztourney7 - Furious heights
[2] qztourney9 - The House of Decay
[3] qzdm13 - Lost World
[4] ztntourney1 - Blood Run
[5] qzdm6 - Campgrounds Redux
Carpio Most suitable QL duel map [1] ZTN
[2] T4
[3] DM6
[4] DM13
[5] T7
Carpio When did you start visiting ESReality? 2000
Carpio Do You Consider Gaming as a Sport? Yes and it should be accepted as one!
Carpio US presidential election, 2008 Cooller
Carpio Who will win ESWC MoA Cooller
Carpio Favorite gameplay based on Q3? QuakeLIVE
Carpio ESWC Finals top 3 predictions. [1] Cooller
[2] Cypher
[3] av3k
Carpio The future of OSP and VQ3 Update OSP with bugfixes (see #1)
Carpio GameGune Top 3 Predictions [1] Cooller
[2] Av3k
[3] noctis
Carpio ESWC Masters was :D
Carpio Who do you WANT to win ESWC masters? fooKi
Carpio Is Forever right? Yes
Carpio who would you rather be? Thresh at Red Annihilation (1997)
Carpio The CPL is no more YES!!!!!!!
Carpio Preferred Quake3 Movement CPMA, Movement at 125 FPS in OSP
Carpio eSport coverage site: Your Pick ESReality
Carpio vq3 vs CPM, OSP vs CPMA OSP VQ3
Carpio CPL to use 2ms TFT Screens I'll wait until I've tried it
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