Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
You want to get married, who cares? The question should not be, gay-marriage or no, the question should be, why is marriage state-sanctioned? What possible reason is there for government to involve itself with marriages and divorces? Property and legal rights can be dealt with aside from marriage. Is it really the business of government to force itself into everyone's private lives and private relationships? Marriage is traditionally a public affair, but should it stay a public affair?

When marriage began, everyone lived in tiny little hamlets. If someone got married, the whole village went to the wedding. Everyone knew exactly who was married. Today, we live in 20,000,000 person mega-cities. How can public marriage still serve any reasonable purpose?

Personally, I am completely against state-marriage. It is unnecessary, and serves no real function. Why exactly does the state want people to get married and stay married anyway? How can the state justify providing benefits for married couples? I don't want my tax-dollars taken away by married people. It is absurd and unreasonable I should have to pay more taxes because the state wants to coerce people into marriage. You don't need to be married to have a family. And you don't need to be state-married to be married. So what the fuck is the purpose?

On to the issue of drugs. We're all familiar with drugs. When it comes to drugs, some people are beyond ignorant. Some people are so ignorant, they think drugs turn Dr. Jekyll into Mr. Hyde. Others think drugs, no matter what, will cause damage. So what is the truth about drugs?

If you take drugs, you can control yourself. Drugs will not turn you into a monster. Truth is, drugs are nothing more than tools. The war on drugs is like having a war on silverware. Because spoons can be used to gouge out eyeballs or choke people, spoons must be evil. Even though the steak-knife can easily maim and kill, if used correctly, the steak-knife helps cut steak. Drugs are the same way. Yes, if you use them incorrectly, you can hurt yourself or others. If used correctly, drugs can help you cut steak.

You could argue things have gotten a little screwed up since drugs came around. I would not dispute that claim. Instead of laying blame, like only fools do, let us assess the situation.

Because drugs were new, it means people did not know how to use them. Some ambitious individuals, such as priests and politicians, use everything they can to gain power. They tell everyone, 'drugs are evil', 'we have to fight them'. Politicians and religions are notorious for creating villains where there are none, just so they can gain your allegiance by playing the hero. Their actions, aside from helping themselves, had a terrible affect on drug-study. Instead of realizing drugs are merely tools, and then learning how to properly use these tools, drug users were treated as criminals. The drug-users themselves became caught up in the same crazyness as everyone else. All they knew is they wanted to use drugs. Drugs can be very enjoyable, and like any dumb animal, the naive human constantly moves towards pleasure (in whatever form pleasure manifests itself).

In other words, the tools were new, which means a learning period was inevitable. In any learning period, there are many mistakes. Politicians and religions prolonged the process, and in fact, exacerbated the problem. Today, we know drugs are nothing more than tools. Many of us know exactly how to safely use these tools. Some of us even know how to use these tools for things other than partying. The damage done by drugs is mostly over. In its place, drugs will be helpful.

Gay-marriage is pretty gay, when it's in the state, because marriage should not be state-sanctioned. Drugs should be legalized immediately. Although, some drugs maybe should require a license, like a drivers license (at least, for transitional purposes).