Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
I prefer FPS's because they allow me to progress at my own pace. In an rpg, to level I have to kill 100 monsters, regardless. The only difference between me and the next person is how efficiently those monsters are dispatched. In an FPS though, maybe I only need to kill 5 people. My skills improve as quickly as I make them. If I want to cast a fire spell on an ice monster, I can't unless i've acquired a fire spell. In an FPS though, as soon as I develop a new strategy, it can be used. The game does not hold you back.

If you were a poor player, you wouldn't like FPS's much. You would want assistance from the game. You would want better players handicapped. You would want trophies to show off your computer-assisted accomplishments. Yes, non-FPS players are sad creatures. It isn't exclusively non-FPS though. Many FPS players (counter-strike), are also insecure. But the worst games are ones like WoW. You push a button, it does the rest. The game is an exercise in positive reinforcement. It gets so bad, when anything negative happens, no matter how insignificant, people completely freak-out.

So what is it about people and games? The game is like a drug for them? They enjoy having their hands held while they cross the street? Is it true only a small percentage of people feel restricted in genres like MMO's? Is it more difficult making games with fewer restrictions, or is positive reinforcement the main selling-point? Some people feel like they make no progress, unless they have trophies to show. The trophies may come in the form of levels or items... without these indicators, these stimulaters, are people left uninterested?

Overall, in an FPS, the player has more control. There is more self-reliance. Some might even say, MMO players are communists. They depend on visible trophies and government-assistance. Not enough people understand the difference between self-reliance and selfishness. Self-reliance is a process of growth. It is not selfish, and actually, when done correctly, is helpful to everyone. Of course, there is no such thing as absolute self-reliance. In FPS games, you find the right kind of self-reliance. Unless you're a baby, no one should put food in your mouth. Maybe they purchase the food and prepare it for you, but you should at least do the literal placing in mouth part.

What can we learn about people by the video games they play? We can learn RPG players are communists and FPS players (except CS players), are awesomeists. We can learn how some people are superficial and shallow, attaining false love by flashing their breasts, or showing how big their 'level' is. These sad people don't love themselves, believing they can only receive affection through shallow interactions and vast numbers of acquaintances. FPS players have nothing to show, for they are not shallow people (aside from CS players). They don't need to show things, because they have knowledge and they don't care about the ignorant assertions of others.

There are only 24 hours in a day. You can either have shallow relationships with lots of people or full relationships with a few.

I hope it is now clear to everyone why I personally prefer FPS's. Have a shithole new-year and go fuck yourselves.