"Cadred has been researching into this deal and can confirm this is not a fake. Having spoken to Ms Summers from her office in Dubai, she has confirmed that this is a legitimate deal, and we are waiting for more information from her office regarding the buyer.PRESS RELEASE
Although Angela Summers has had links to Game Frontier in the past, a phone conversation with Jaffer Mir has revealed that they knew nothing of this takeover bid.
After lengthy research we have unearthed the buyer of the CPL brand, however due to current contractual agreements that the buyer is currently involved in, we will not yet reveal his identity.
What we can reveal is that we believe his involvement in CPL will be a big boost for the brand name, and could really turn CPL's fortunes around."
Monday 25 August 2008 – Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirate and Dallas, Texas, USA – NewWorld.com, Inc., a leader in the interactive entertainment industry in the USA has announced that its intellectual property,

Founded in June 1997, the CPL is a pioneer in professional video game tournaments and over the course of ten years hosted 60 international main events, sanctioned 600 international qualifiers and awarded $3 million in cash prizes. It began as a small LAN event in Dallas, Texas, and went on to initiate world-class competitions across five continents.
Further details and marketing contact information will be released before the end of September 2008.
Source: TheCPL
Edited by Nicky at 12:01 CDT, 25 August 2008 - 71530 Hits