Its purpose is transparent, consistent, universal (ie. independent) mouse acceleration affecting all user applications (eg. games).
Hereby you can have the same implementation of mouse acceleration (eg. Quake 3's) among all the games you play.
Currently, I have finished the very bare framework and can now implement acceleration algorithms and features.
One yet to be realised feature, for example, is storing settings in registry to easily change certain values (eg. the equivalent of "cl_mouseAccel") - currently all values are hard-coded.
What mouse acceleration algorithms do you want?
As long as source code or detailed documentation is available, I can implement it.
However, effective precision might be affected as decimal fractions are impossible and have to be rounded.
Additionally, I could also implement (axis-independent) sensitivity, scaling and so forth.
What features would you like to see?
Thanks for all contributive responses.
Edited by Levi240 at 03:46 CST, 10 December 2006 - 57865 Hits