Event: DHS'11
Top Seed
srs/rzr/Cypher - Alexey Yanushevsky
mouz.cooller - Anton Singov
fnatic/strenx - Kévin Baéza
SK-rapha - Shane Hendrixson
High Seed
fnatic/spart1e - Sebastian Siira
ESC|k1llsen - Marcel Paul
noctis - Richard Gansterer
EG|DaHanG - Tim Fogarty
srs/rzr/av3k - Maciej Krzykowski
Middle Seed
evil - Sergey Orehov
fazz - Pelle Söderman
EG|czm - Paul Nelson
madix - Michael Hindersson
Low Seed
Amai - Boris Vitaly
dem0n - Romain Leclercq
dignitas/GaRpY - Gareth Marshall
dignitas/zsx - Daniel Sanders
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
* Complete rules
* Map pool: Aerowalk (aw), Furious Heights (t7), Hektik (hk), Lost World (13), Toxicity (tx)
* Map choice:
- Winner of a coin-toss chooses if he wants to be Player1 or Player2
- Player 2 removes a map
- Player 1 removes one of the remaining maps
- Player 1 picks one of the remaining maps
- Player 2 picks one of the remaining maps
- The remaining map will be used as a tiebreaker
A map may not be picked or removed twice.
** Saturday 18th **
03:00 CDT - Group Stage Round 1
A1 - Cypher 2-0 evil (aw 33:2, t7 13:5, 13)
A1 - noctis 2-1 GaRpY (hk 11:15, tx 18:9, t7 11:9)
B1 - Cooller 2-1 czm (13 4:2, tx 7:12, aw 9:7)
B1 - spart1e 2-0 dem0n (t7 5:2, aw 18:0, hk)
C1 - strenx 2-0 madix (13 10:3, aw 27:5, t7)
C1 - DaHanG 2-0 Amai (t7 9:2, aw 7:5, hk)
D1 - rapha 2-0 fazz (hk 27:2, aw 17:9, t7)
D1 - av3k 2-1 zsx (t7 8:1, 13 0:1, hk 19:7)
03:45 CDT - Group Stage Round 2
A2 - noctis 2-0 evil (aw 19:9, tx 27:2, t7)
A2 - Cypher 2-0 GaRpY (t7 7:5, 13 15:3, hk)
B2 - spart1e 2-0 czm (tx 12:3, aw 19:4, 13)
B2 - Cooller 2-0 dem0n (aw 14:8, t7 10:9, tx)
C2 - DaHanG 2-0 madix (t7 8:0, aw 12:3, hk)
C2 - strenx 2-1 Amai (aw 3:16, t7 11:3, 13 9:3)
D2 - av3k 2-0 fazz (hk 20:15, t7 7:0, aw)
D2 - rapha 2-0 zsx (t7 11:2, 13 12:2, hk)
04:30 CDT - Group Stage Round 3
A3 - Cypher 2-1 noctis (aw 14:5, tx 6:14, 13 13:1)
A3 - evil 0-2 GaRpY (t7 8:15, 13 6:7, hk)
B3 - Cooller 1-2 spart1e (t7 11:10, tx 6:27, aw 13:21)
B3 - czm 0-2 dem0n (hk 8:9, 13 -1:11, tx 12:8)
C3 - strenx 0-2 DaHanG (tx 0:21, hk 1:11, 13)
C3 - madix 2-1 Amai (13 2:10, aw 12:8, t7 8:7)
D3 - rapha 0-2 av3k (aw 5:13, t7 3:4, hk)
D3 - fazz 2-1 zsx (t7 5:8, tx 14:0, hk 9:0)
** Saturday 18th **
07:00 CDT - Playoff Round 1
QF1 - Cypher 3-0 strenx (tx 14:11, t7 11:4, 13 5:2)
QF2 - av3k 2-3 Cooller (hk 2:15, 13 8:6, tx 13:14, t7 10:9, aw 2:15)
QF3 - DaHanG 2-3 noctis (t7 17:4, tx 4:13, hk 17:4, aw 10:18, 13 6:8)
QF4 - spart1e 2-3 rapha (tx 21:8, 13 4:14, aw 14:16, hk 23:3, t7 1:6)
10:00 CDT - Playoff Semis
SF1 - Cypher 3-1 Cooller (tx 16:7, 13 1:4, aw 11:8, t7 10:5, hk)
SF2 - noctis 1-3 rapha (13 2:12, tx 3:17, t7 11:10, aw 9:22, hk)
** Sunday 19th **
15:30 CDT - Playoff Bronze Final
BF - Cooller vs noctis (forfeit)
10:00 CDT - Playoff Final
Final - Cypher 3-1 rapha (13 7:8, aw 21:8, tx 14:11, t7 9:2, hk)
Group A
[win/loss 3-0 ; maps 6-1] Cypher
[win/loss 2-1 ; maps 5-3] noctis
[win/loss 1-2 ; maps 3-4] GaRpY
[win/loss 0-3 ; maps 0-6] evil
Group B
[win/loss 3-0 ; maps 6-1] spart1e
[win/loss 2-1 ; maps 5-3] Cooller
[win/loss 1-2 ; maps 2-4] dem0n
[win/loss 0-3 ; maps 1-6] czm
Group C
[win/loss 3-0 ; maps 6-0] DaHanG
[win/loss 2-1 ; maps 4-3] strenx
[win/loss 1-2 ; maps 2-5] madix
[win/loss 0-3 ; maps 2-6] Amai
Group D
[win/loss 3-0 ; maps 6-1] av3k
[win/loss 2-1 ; maps 4-2] rapha
[win/loss 1-2 ; maps 2-5] fazz
[win/loss 0-3 ; maps 2-6] zsx