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QCK Team Pad v Zowie G-SR (13 comments)
Posted by StillBlaze @ 10:07 CDT, 22 September 2015 - iMsg
Who has used both or just one and opinions? I need a good fast mouse pad for my Zowie mouse with stock feet, QCK Heavy is good when clean but with the most lose weave i have seen on a cloth pad it retains all the dust or dirt and dead skin that passes it fast.

I saw a review which states the QCK team pads (Fnatic/Navi ect) have a different surface then QCK+ and Heavy which is quiet similar to the G-SR? G-SR is 3cm wider and 3.5mm thick, as the QCK Team is 4mm thick rather then the 2/6mm versions.

Wtf there a mouse pad shortage, everything i look for is sold out..

Zowie G-SR
QCK Team
16089 Hits
How to make CSGO as smooth as Quake? (16 comments)
Posted by StillBlaze @ 12:14 CDT, 6 September 2015 - iMsg
Anyone got any next level tips or stuff to try from Res to Launch options to game settings to just anything from capping FPS to X ect

picmip 5 1360x768 250fps constant, the mouse input and visual smoothness of Quake is unmatched in any FPS i have ever seen.

CSGO from my experience in all the stuff i have ever tried has never felt close to as nice, even playing with 300-500fps @ 144hz Is it a graphic style of the game that just cant obtain the same feeling? CSGO is fine 80% of the time, just now and then when stuff happens or you make crazy movements and you just know its not as good as it could be.

Do i need to buy a CRT and a E Cig or what
16702 Hits
Lets get Global Elite? (27 comments)
Posted by StillBlaze @ 17:42 CDT, 15 June 2015 - iMsg
So i propose the "Lets get Global" dream and invite anyone else with the same goal to play with each other and see if we are skilled enough to do it. Everyone decent at CSGO needs to get the Global Elite badge at least once even if your mostly playing ESEA or FaceIt!

Rather then going into too much detail i will just get on with what i consider the basic requirements to be!

LE/LEM+, No Ragers, No Cheaters, No Lurker or AWP Whores, Team Player, be Knowledgeable (Smokes/Flashes/Gamesense), can play most maps

Good chance we will get cheated against 20-50% of the games we play but unless its super blatant and pointless i do expect everyone to at least still try and win as many rounds as possible and not just give up at the first hurdle.

Why ESR and not somewhere else? I love Quake and the mindset of Quake players, i consider a hidden talent among us having a superior outlook on situations and mentality making us stronger then the average gamer. You probably know how hard it is to find decent people/players on CS focused communities.

Steam group that will develop if there is enough interest, for now its just a join if your interested thing

I can and will go into much greater details if there is enough interest but for now reply here, add me on steam or just the steam group. I would like to make and find new friends who want to play for fun but still on a decent level.
13499 Hits
Any known G100 sources? Ebay? Internet? (8 comments)
Posted by StillBlaze @ 13:03 CDT, 26 May 2015 - iMsg
So i wanted to buy a cheap one just to check out and mess about with, dont really want to pay the 40 euros locally.

I was thinking about looking for a cheap one, somewhat like Takastas WMOs, repackaged or whatever not new in the box but the shipping raises the price. I would pay full price if it was proven to my liking, but theres a chance ill use it a few hours and just go back to WMO only. I also noticed a trend in newer games, all having anti cheat systems that do not allow test versions of windows so my brother is using a second mouse for DayZ, Rust and maybe even H1Z1

Refurbished or repackaged 27 dollars with shipping

19 dollars with free shipping, claims brand new? probably takes an extra week or so

When i Ebay g100s i get plenty of enticing prices, has anyone bought from any of these sellers? Ebay link below;_sacat=0
4762 Hits
WMO officially out dated!? (click bait) (37 comments)
Posted by StillBlaze @ 12:25 CDT, 10 May 2015 - iMsg
I have come to the realization that i think i might be ready to admit the the WMO is out dated and a hinder in performance.

How what why did i come to the conclusion?

I was messing about in my familys 27 inch IMac with a 20 euro Logitech wireless mouse, i ended up on the reaction time tester found here

I am "old" (26) and slow so i get like 220 ms average when im fresh and like 260ish when im drunk, stoned, tired or just not feeling great. My brother is 5 years younger and he always averaged 180-220ms under the above circumstances roughly.

We both scored a good 30-50ms faster using far inferior setup and my only and instant feeling is the WMO mouse click is a lot heavier and harder, more defined ect. And its shown in CSGO that if your not fast and hard with your 1 taps you can easily shoot 2 bullets when not trying to burst.

So i compare what i know, 144hz BenQ, i7 4770k/4790k + 970/780ti gpu sitting ready to game on both our setups. WMO @ 500hz


2009 27 inch i5 imac with 2500xwhatever resolution at 60hz while standing up and laughing at the wireless mouse.

There has to be at least 20ms or more added time on the imac? or am i looking at things illogically?

This is nothing more then food for thought, and if you are interested in proving this correct or even false i challenge all of you to get all your spares or old gaming mice out and do at least 3 or so 5 click tests and post the averages between them all. This will only work properly if done one after another ect witin 10-20 mins and not hours.

I would really be interested in what people say and find, WMO still the best weight, best size, best or equal sensor, but the scroll wheel is garbage and it seams the mouse clickers might be inferior.

If i were to have to explain it even though my DA 2013 feels like a whale the clicker feels easier and gradual as where the WMO is more hard style click.

./troll away if you must

if i missed anything sorry
9670 Hits
Puretrak Talent sucks after washing? (21 comments)
Posted by StillBlaze @ 14:43 CDT, 25 March 2015 - iMsg
Anyone else experienced similar problem? I washed it after a year of use since the dirt or skin build up was becoming visible.

I followed the wash instructions properly but decided to air dry it for like 16+ hours. It came out brand new looking perfectly clean and smelling fresh.

At first it felt fine since i had a fresh mouse pad i thought, but over the past 2 weeks its clear this shit is turtle slow, the friction is unreal and just general movement feels forced. More importantly then it being much slower then before its terribly inconsistent which i think is the real problem.

Any suggestions? I ordered a QCK because i dont trust Razer but i would still like to see if i can salvage this pad as a spare.

Could Air drying really have left undesired substance?

8188 Hits
same Sensitivity all games or different? (5 comments)
Posted by StillBlaze @ 10:19 CST, 20 February 2015 - iMsg
Wondering how many people use different sensitivities for different games or do you just try to make it as the same as possible?

Have been slacking with Quake in 2015 mainly cause when i get on at 6am theres barely any games i can get into straight away ((

But anyway ive been playing CSGO a while on 40cm/360 and now when i try to go back to Quake with 26cm-30cm/360 i simply can not play, other then the mouse feeling super fast i just cant adapt like i used to.

With my cramped setup and speed of Quake i can barely do 90 degree turns with 40cm/360 let alone a 180 and if i wanted to play some PQL it would be far worse then classic.

I have a large mouse pad but use it vertical instead of the standard horizontal.

More of a sad thread then answers but say what you will and know on your experiences.
11284 Hits
New PureTrak in the works? (4 comments)
Posted by StillBlaze @ 04:22 CST, 31 December 2014 - iMsg
So ive been needing to test washing my puretrak for a little while now, and been looking at other pads to be tempted to try ect and i noticed this!

The puretrak talents have been on sale for like 3 months now? Are they trying to clear inventory to release a newer version? I dont see much on ESR when i search for puretrak.

says 12 in stock atm and i swear it was like 500 or so in September or whenever i first noticed the sale.

Anyone comment on washing a puretrak talent before?

3465 Hits
Looking for old WMO/1.1a/3.0 (5 comments)
Posted by StillBlaze @ 00:26 CST, 11 December 2014 - iMsg
Know this is a long shot, but im looking to track down some old WMO/1.1a/3.0 or even a Kinzu that has a dodgy sensor so i can put my done DAs to good use.

Where would i go about trying to look for some of these mice that are done for? Any specific forum you would look at first? or should i just go around to all the pc/hardware forums and just see if anyone has?

Ive gone through 3 x Deathadders since 2008 or so, my latest one is a 2013 which i shelved after about 9 months of use in favor of going back to a smaller lighter mouse. Would like to try and swap the sensor over on whatever mice i can get my hands on. Ive used 1.1a and 3.0s from 2002-2007 and pretty much just left them for dead when i bought a 4.0 thinking it would be the same.

If you want to trade some of yours let me know, or if you got a bunch ill send you one back when i am done as i think i got 3 or so DA sensors sitting around.
5771 Hits
AQservers EU - Classic Duel Maps!! (45 comments)
Posted by StillBlaze @ 18:03 CST, 16 November 2014 - iMsg
[UK] Reflex #1 at

The Anquer-Quare UK Dedicated #Reflex server has been running since release, we are now looking to add the classic maps that have popular remakes or potential. We would love to add more maps that players think could be the next big thing! So don't hesitate to ask.

Will be more servers hopefully specific to game modes when they add in the usual commands to admin them correctly. So don't be surprised if you see some FFA and xTDM being played too. Players found trying to ruin games and servers steam profiles will be recorded and saved for when bans are a option, so if someones just trying to do a rocket jump map, dont mess with them!

Right now this is what the server has uploaded and ready to play!

cpm1 - Classic Quake map, included in default Reflex map pool

cpm3 - Classic Quake map, included in default Reflex map pool

cpm22a - Eldreks Aerowalk remake, said to be 1:1 ratio

cpm24m-b6 - Memphis cpm24 remake, adjusted for reflex playstyle

dm4x9_8_beta1 - Remake of Quake Worlds DM4 using 9:8 ratio for most accurate play in Reflex

Zita_1v1 - future named Ascendance, made by Zita/n0cturn3/Arkore - bit bigger then the standard cpma map, but can be played just as fast if you wish, teleporter play is well made

Arkore_dm1 - one of the largest duel maps i have seen so far, slower open map but with room for more speed ;)

voodm1_a1 - latest version of voOs map i could find, expect a updated official release from him in the future.


Movement/Rocket/Parkour maps on the server atm for fun are

movehaus1-parkour - epic freestyle map with so much objects
bldf2 - movement, not for beginners
dustyrun1a - movement, not for beginners
rocket1/2/3/4/5/6/7/9 - 8 different hard rocket jump maps

To save the Lightbuild, it is advised to download the maps from the or if your just looking feel free to connect to server and everything should work

feel free to visit us at
Edited by StillBlaze at 18:22 CST, 16 November 2014 - 15473 Hits
Razer Exactmat Fix? Razer Mice incompat (14 comments)
Posted by StillBlaze @ 17:33 CDT, 21 September 2013 - iMsg
Hello, I have used the Razer eXactmat since 2008 on the "control side" (Hard rough grainy surface) I own a few of them since they start to wear out after years of use.

Owning two Deathadder 3.5g's over the period both mice' mouse clickers are completely dead after 3+ intense years each.
I am now on my third mouse since 2008 which is a new Deathadder 2013 which is where my problems have come.

Few short words about the actual mouse is that the build quality is ten fold better then all previous models and precision almost identical.

Now the problem! The eXactmat dosnt want to work with any new Razer mice as my brother has same issue with his newer gen Razer Naga. Everytime i lift of my mouse to go back to the middle of the pad it just seams to freeze up for a moment asif it dosnt recognise the surface, then starts to work again perfectly.

The pads are very small in comparison to new mouse pads and combined with low/medium sensitivity i like to lift quite alot.

Any suggestions on this issue? Anyone think the tap trick for LOD might play some factor in this? I could easily try this but i just dont really want to go tapping my nice new clean mouse with sticky tap only to end up cleaning it instantly.

I don't like using cloth pads as i never really have because it feels too slow and restricted. Used a Func pad back in 03 then a Icemat after till i discovered this.

Right now i am using a spare Razer Destructor but i feel its too slow like the cloth pad, although its a hard plastic style surface its not really glidey due to having much smaller almost non existant grains.

Has anyone tried the Razer Vespula? It looks to be either like the eXactmat or the Destructor, 35 euro is very expensive pad so i would like to get some feedback rather then just throwing money at another lost cause.

Everywhere i go people keep saying Steelseries QCK but i dont really want to go cloth direction until the market leaves no other choice.

So main question is why would the mousepad not work with newer mice/ what could i do to try and fix this, and what are people using with there Deathadder 2013s?


Still Blaze
13008 Hits
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