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League of Legends>>Facebook Terrorism (4 comments)
Posted by evilbollweevil @ 06:35 CDT, 12 July 2013 - iMsg
(no LoL icon avail?!)
Wasn't sure if there was anything about this on ESR -- covered ad nauseum in other news outlets; gaming-related though.

The on-going story of the 19yr old Texan who posted a joking threat on Facebook about a dispute from League of Legends play takes another turn: Someone posted his ridiculously high bail, and he's now freed from prison.

This speech case reminds me of another event where administrators didn't understand the context, usage and meme origin of "U Mad Bro?" and deemed it racist and inflammatory. In the Facebook threat case, local police didn't understand how extreme and venomous taunts appear during online play. When the Texas young man added "I'm gonna eat their still beating hearts" to his shooting threat, someone should have clued into the adolescent hyperbole.

Oh well -- someone in Texas had enough money and confidence to make that $500,000 bet that he would show up for his court date. Careful QuakeCon; keep your cool or else...
Edited by ShadyAK at 06:42 CDT, 12 July 2013 - 1437 Hits
Are you kidding me? Bioshock Infinite (8 comments)
Posted by evilbollweevil @ 19:31 CDT, 19 April 2013 - iMsg
Unbelievable. This guy gets a complete refund on Bioshock Infinite because he won't "choose" the game beginning Baptismal story plotline; player bought the game on Steam and claims as a Christian he can't click the unavoidable "yes" reply to the main character's decision to accept Baptism. Therefore, he can't continue the game and play through its entirety. =?

3402 Hits
BEWARE Personals SCAMMER (6 comments)
Posted by evilbollweevil @ 02:20 CDT, 31 March 2013 - iMsg
Common tactic on other sites, but my first time seeing something like this pop up in my ESR Inbox IM:

([email protected])

My name is Hanan and I am kind, flexible,
responsible, curious, easy-going,
girl. I like your profile and i am interested in getting to know you. Kindly reply back to my private email address because i do not get on this site often so i can send you my photos and at the same time tell you more
about me, here's my private
email address: ([email protected])

Needless to say, this dude is looking to scam: copy/paste form letter results

+ at least managed to use a reasonably attractive pic in the scammer profile.
Edited by evilbollweevil at 02:20 CDT, 31 March 2013 - 4782 Hits
Jokes plus sponsors equals costly speech (22 comments)
Posted by evilbollweevil @ 23:11 CDT, 13 October 2012 - iMsg
SC2 player suspended from EG without pay after joking about sex with a minor in a private message. I think as more and more monied interests play an increasingly central role in competitive gaming, pro players will need to cultivate and promote a professional demeanor not unlike traditional pro sports personalities -- a challenge made much more difficult considering the average age of a gaming professional.
Edited by xou at 03:46 CDT, 14 October 2012 - 6743 Hits
Purri Q2 Frag Movie (2 comments, locked)
Posted by evilbollweevil @ 00:21 CST, 15 November 2011 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Posted over at Semi-tribute movie of various frags from Purri's decade-long, spectacular (and still going!) journey of redefining Quake 2 gameplay!
Locked by xou at 06:56 CST, 15 November 2011 - 2281 Hits
Sprawling sarcastic game review troll (7 comments)
Posted by evilbollweevil @ 16:44 CDT, 7 October 2011 - iMsg
Easy enough to find flip, sarcastic replies and semi-orchestrated misimpression trolls all over ESR (on rare occasions even irony) -- but while reading a review for a PC game called Street Cleaning Simulator I couldn't help notice the huge disparity between Gamespot's review score and the users' opinions scores.
I was a little slow in realizing the 1852 reviews were a fairly organized, hilariously consistent sarcastic troll bandwagon.

A random review(most rated 9.5 to 10 ofc):
I quit my work as videogame tester to become a street cleaner, that says everything. I'm a different person now. Does not matter the time or the budget, the gaming industry has met his end in the form of a product that will never be surpassed; it just goes beyond of what any human being can achieve or comprehend... the philosopher stone of the video game entertainment.

Maybe in the future we can try to achieve something alike, but so far we are just too small, too meaningless and ignorant to ever create something that can only be compared to the greatest pieces of art of human history. A indestructible Babel tower that not even the gods will be able to crumble down.

Long story short; this is the day when you shell your consoles and get this game; there is nothing else you'll need to play until the end of your life...

You get the idea. A few are pretty original that avoid the cliche superlatives that sarcastic trolls usually (over)use. hf

good place to start perusing
3311 Hits
walter -vs- phant0m aka rocko(Vorpal) (6 comments)
Posted by evilbollweevil @ 21:47 CDT, 23 September 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5 (6 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: walter
How to play back QL demos

Been a few days without a QL demo. Messy, but entertaining, movement-based, non-stop 1v1 action demos from Walter's pov. No whine, no stealth, all-aggro demotainment here.

Maps: T7 & DM6 (Match sheet)
Edited by xou at 08:14 CDT, 24 September 2009 - 3677 Hits
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