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music trackers? (5 comments)
Posted by PuX @ 12:43 CST, 2 March 2008 - iMsg
hi everyone, I'm looking for someone to invite me to any nice tracker where I could find some lossless music and vinyl rips etc.
I have 25 invites to stmusic (at least my profile says so)... just in case you would like to have something in return.
I know and have closed registration all the time so maybe you would be so kind...
3537 Hits
Quake3 Core2Duo NVidia 8800 FPS issue (44 comments)
Posted by PuX @ 11:21 CDT, 2 August 2007 - iMsg
i've tried everything, setaffinity and nosmp and nvidia panel thing and it won't help.
but i've noticed that in OSP everything works fine, no fps drops. so it's a CPMA problem.
arQon or someone of the CPMA team please fix it!
12244 Hits
GaRpY -vs- Cooller (42 comments)
Posted by PuX @ 12:36 CDT, 23 June 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.8 (3 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: GaRpy
Version info: 1.4.2 / 0.78d
How to play back Q4 demos

Edited by Nicky at 01:23 CDT, 26 June 2007 - 13893 Hits
Time for bo9? (Quake3 & 4) (54 comments)
Posted by PuX @ 12:58 CDT, 25 October 2006 - iMsg
Hello guys.
For quite a long time I was thinking, why quakers play games in such a small format – bo3? I think the time for bo9 has come. Let me show why on example.
Maybe you know that these days in Aberdeen professional snooker players are playing in Grand Prix. They are playing in a new format – groups in bo5 and play-off in bo9 (today at least). And this bo5 made a lot of chaos. Some of the top players (Hendry was #1 in the rating before this cup) did not make it through the groups... And Jimmy White did not pass the qualification! IMO it's weird. And clearly it's because of bo5.
It's not the only disadvantage of short-term matches. I can remember one situation to show why. I think it was a russian q4-tourney, GigaGames. In WB Final (I think) Hunter won over Cooller 2:0. But in LB Final (or Consolation?) he lost to Cooller 1:2. And he placed #3. If you count the overall score he wins 3:2. «Shit happens», you say? I think it's time to stand up and shout.

//Clearly, we need a bigger and better map-pool and a new system for tourneys (maybe single elimination plus bo9 or double but with bo5 at least).
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