Initially Quake doesn't allow you to define multi-stroke bindings easily -- it needs some jumping around configs.
Binder was a tool doing it for you. A config such as this:
The first version of Binder was made by me three years ago as offline executable. Now I decided to make it available online here:
It already has some tutorial, but any discussion is welcome here in comments.
It works for Quakelive and probably Q3A, etc. Theoretically I can adapt it to any another game, which can /exec configs.
Binder was a tool doing it for you. A config such as this:
q s : say_team QUAD SOON!transforms into several configs and you shouldn't bother to know how do they work.
q 1 : say_team QUAD in 10 seconds! // 10sec
q 5 : say_team QUAD in 5 seconds! // 5sec
q r 1 : say_team RED POWERUP in 10 seconds! // 10sec
q b 5 : say_team BLUE POWERUP in 5 seconds! // 5sec
\ d 1 : say ^7DA uDu Tbl HAXyu OT MEH9 6**** ^4(c) ^7coolle^4R
\ d 3 : say ^7Try it without Guillom (c) rail
\ c s : callvote shuffle
\ c 1 : callvote teamsize 1 // ts1
\ c 2 : callvote teamsize 2 // ts2
\ c 8 : callvote teamsize 8 // ts8
\ c m s : callvote map spacectf
\ c m 6 : callvote map campgrounds
The first version of Binder was made by me three years ago as offline executable. Now I decided to make it available online here:
It already has some tutorial, but any discussion is welcome here in comments.
It works for Quakelive and probably Q3A, etc. Theoretically I can adapt it to any another game, which can /exec configs.
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