Is there any chance id would be willing to change the default graphics? Personally, I can't enjoy the game with the graphics that way, and I assume plenty of others cannot either. I don't think most people would enjoy it the way I set it up, but maybe there is some visual artist out there who could devise a quality default scheme that is appealing to the general public. Most people do not know either how or that they can change the graphics in any meaningful way. For them, default is pretty much everything. First impressions and all that.

cg_fov "105"
cg_simpleitems "1"
cg_noProjectileTrail "1"
cg_drawGun "0"
cg_marks "0"
cg_scorePlums "0"
cg_drawCrosshair "2"
cg_crosshaircolor "9"
cg_crosshairsize "30"
cg_crosshairHitStyle "2"
cg_crosshairHitTime "250"
cg_crosshairHitColor "9"
cg_crosshairBrightness "0.6"
cg_crosshairPulse "0"
cg_brasstime "0"
color1 "14"
color2 "14"

cg_railtrailtime "1500"
r_railcorewidth "0"
r_railsegmentlength "8"
r_railwidth "8"

seta r_aspectRatio "1"

cg_truelightning 1

r_mode 23
r_picmip 10
r_gamma 1
r_mapoverbrightbits 1
r_intensity 1.2
r_ignorehwgamma 1
r_dynamiclight 0
r_lightmap 0
r_vertexlight 0
r_fullbright 1
r_smp 0
r_subdivisions "80"
r_fastsky 1
r_fullscreen 1

r_displayrefresh 0

cg_bob 0
cg_bobroll "0"
cg_bobpitch "0"
cg_bob "0"
cg_kickscale 0
cg_leveltimerdirection 1
cg_muzzleFlash "0"
cg_waterWarp "0"
cg_screenDamage 0
cg_weaponColorstyle "1"
cg_weaponColor "0xRRGGBBAA"
cl_allowConsoleChat 1

cg_noprojectiletrail 1
cg_lightningStyle "5"
cg_railStyle "1"
cg_rocketStyle "1"
cg_plasmaStyle "1"
cg_enableRespawnTimer "1"
cg_lightningImpact "1"
cg_smoke_SG "0"
cg_smokeRadius_GL "0"
cg_smokeRadius_RL "0"
cg_switchToEmpty "1"
cg_deadBodyDarken "1"
cg_bubbleTrail "0"
cg_viewsize "100"
cg_filter_Angles "0"
cg_drawItemPickups "0"
cg_playershadows 0

cg_forcemodel 0
model "visor/bright"
cg_forceteammodel "visor/bright"
cg_forceenemymodel "keel/bright"
seta cg_weaponColor_grenade "0xFFFFFFFF"
seta cg_enemyLowerColor "0x800000ff"
seta cg_enemyUpperColor "0x800000ff"
seta cg_enemyHeadColor "0x800000ff"
seta cg_deadBodyColor "0x101010FF"
seta cg_teamHeadColor "0004FF"
seta cg_teamLowerColor "0004FF"
seta cg_teamUpperColor "0004FF"

seta cg_impactSparksVelocity "128"
seta cg_impactSparksSize "8"
seta cg_impactSparksLifetime "250"
seta cg_impactSparks "0"
seta cg_zoomOutOnDeath "1"
seta cg_zoomToggle "0"
seta cg_zoomScaling "1"

Why would someone bother changing all of the above settings, unless the default were really not that great? And if you're wondering, those are my settings.