The Reloaded VII will take place near Adelaide at the St. Clair Recreation Centre of Woodville from the 15th to the 17th of July.
The LAN party will feature two Quakelive duel tournaments, Pro and Amateurs, run by mick05 from 4Seasons Gaming. These will be played during one day and start on 19:30 CDT, 15 July 2011.
If you think czm is in the same shape now when he first start practicing Quake again, lol. Dan wouldn't take one map from him now and he doesn't even duel. u so mad.
"this QuakeLive Fail has been brought to you by 4Seasons gaming"
reloaded is a big event on a bad internet connection. i guess 4seasons gaming could shut down the rest of the event so that they can stream quake games, but that doesnt seem very fair to me
the capped internet connection doesn't explain why there is no page with results, or does it? doesn't 'capped' mean that there IS internet, but only on low(er) speed?
Damn, this sucks =(
big thanks for the scores though!
btw, who is this frazer dude? Has he been around for long in quake?
its still that bug man. We didnt have any internet access to frequently update results or stream, and tonight i am going out with the boys that i lanned with allday
Expected results in the end really. But things were definitely looking interesting for a while there in the group stages, with both Ventz and Frazer getting up over their future finals opponents.
Thanks a lot man. Now I hope we'll have all the matches results because I can't tell the difference between practice matches and afficial matches in the players' statistics.
THere was group stage and semi finals directly ? Or quarter finals too ?
He will more then likely video out some of the better games + finals just so people who don't play quake can watch. When I setup my pc at home in the next 30 minutes I've got the entire day tourney demos + configs from the top 3. Unfortunately fraze turned his pc off before I could get them so he will email them to me when he is back in western australia. But if you want to see how he plays at his best watch zlr vs fraze group stage games. The delays of the event made him really tired for finals operating on 3-4 hours sleep in my car
Extremely unfortunate about the internet access due to Quakelive's heavy reliance on it, even for LAN. We had so many instances where the LAN admin were blocking HTTP and other services we needed so that Steam could update and all sorts of other abortion-esque activity by the blokes in charge that we barely stood a chance.
Congratulations to Dan, Pete, Tim and Frazer for coming through in the top 4. Cash prizes were actually paid out AT THE EVENT, so 4SG and AusQuake are setting the standard in that regard (I hear Mick's still waiting for Dan's prize money from IEM... which is a fucken joke). We feel it's important for all players (especially those that travel a fair disance) to receive their prizes promptly and as promised.
As this was the first LAN Quakelive event in Australia hiccups were to be expected, however nobody could have anticipated the extent to which problems were going to be encountered. However, lessons have been learnt; the next event will feature a dedicated internet connection and network for the LAN box + competition PCs.
We look forward to the next LAN event, we thank the international community for their interest and we apologise for the disappointment caused due to issues that were beyond our control. We realise now how much organisation actually has to go into one of these events and it will be reflected at the next one.
For anyone interested, below are the links to the Video Logs I made at the event.