Just another pointless shit-thread from me for teh lulz.

Usually I play with a sensitivity of 36cm per 360 (according to THIS site) at 2.9 6/11 400dpi. Primarily because I'm used to using the lower sensitivity from playing slower paced games like CS1.6 and TF2 etc.

Never had any problems with this sens in Quake. I've made a thread about my sens relating to accel etc wondering if I should experiment with it but in the end always stick with the lower sens simply because I've never had any trouble doing RJs or fast movements for flick shots or whatever.

... That was until I played Hektik and Aerowalk ¬¬

Found myself at a disadvantage swinging my mouse around fast 180s for TPs etc. Now I've never had any trouble with this sensitivity on other maps like ZTN, DM6 and even 'faster' ones like T9 but with Aerowalk and Hektik I found myself having to up the sensitivity just to keep up with my opponent. I used to use a high sens with accel many, many years ago and might consider going back to it now.

Anyway, just a '[notso] cool story bro' thing, but anyone else found themselves altering their sensitivity based on maps, games or whatever? I remember reading that Toxjq changed his sensitivity to suit Q4 and I'm sure a few other people doing it. Just a [notso] interesting thing I guess I fancied writting up whilst avoiding work