Earlier this month, the eSTRO pro gaming team welcomed a new face to their home, it was none other than Korea (Republic of)SC_Zerg Qoo)Max, the once most dominant and feared 2vs2 player alongside his teammate Korea (Republic of)SC_Protoss FanTastic_NamoO, back when the Pro League still offered 2vs2 in the lineup.

With his favorite style of competing being taken away, his former teammate leaving to the military, and his itch to take on another task in eSports, Max spoke with the eSTRO coaching staff and eventually joined their ranks and now completes the three man lineup.

Not mainly known as a 1vs1 player, Max did display his skill to the eSTRO B team when he first entered the house, as he beat many of them. He states that "the skill level within his new team house is very high, and he see’s a lot of potential in the young gamers, and he will do his best to help them excel even further in the upcoming Pro League season as well as the single leagues".

A video interview with Max will be conducted in upcoming weeks, and we’ll get his feedback about many things relating to the eSTRO team.