The EVO 2009 Championships are now over, and Japan Daigo has claimed victory over Justin Wong in one of the greatest matches in fighting game history. Justin Wong switched to Balrog which wasn't part of his three character practice-regime at all, came from the loser's bracket, too out Daigo in the first set, and forced a final game in the second set. We had wondered among all the big names at EVO if we would see any surprises, and we actually had quite a few to come through the bracket, including the top 8. Puerto Rico Eduardo Perez stormed through the bracket with his Balrog play, while United States of America Long "ShadyK" Tran and United States of America Sanford "Santhrax" Kelly made a bigger splash than most people expected. Southern California's United States of America EdMa stayed the most consistent, earning a third place finish after his third place at Devastation. The East Coast dominated the competition in the 5v5 event, going 15-1 and only losing one match the entire tournament.

Tune in at 4 PM EST / 22:00 CET at

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