Anyhow, I'm currently using a razer copperhead and have had only one problem with it. And that is using single fire guns such as the USP in CSS and trying to fire quickly. Due to the shape of the copperhead I find the tips of my fingers hanging just over the end of the mouse(I Have quite small hands). But due to the shape/design of the mouse if i click with my fingers like that it causes the left button to jam up/ click extremely slowly. Not much use when trying to fire a pistol quickly. The way round this is to move my hand back, however this gives me less control of the mouse and is both A. Less comfortable and B. Causes cramp from arching my finger.
But anyhow, my life story aside.
My copperhead is pretty much worn out and it's time to get a new mouse.
Now, last i looked the g5 was the newest logitech mouse. So you can see i've fallen behind a bit ;)
So after doing a bit of 'research' into the lachesis, g9, g5 and deathadder, I'm really not sure which mouse to get. I know this is bound to be more of a preference thing but theres always the technical side too. I found an old mx1000 mouse and tried using that today. The main problem here being that compared to my copperhead it felt like moving a brick, and seemed to flip out when moving at high speed. LIkely caused however by sensitivity 14 vs my razer 3.2.(CSS ingame windows speed default(mid))
So anyway, some input into this would be great. Sorry if i missed some reviews etc, I checked the deathadder review on this site but it didn't include the g9/lachesis etc. I then searched for lachesis & g9 reviews but couldn't find any. That coupled with the fact the page doesn't seem to load right with IE just lead to alot of frustration.
So anyway, the bottom line. Which mouse is currently the 'best' for games such as CSS (CSS being priority). And also which mousepad would be best. I currently have an S&S steel mousepad (hard plastic not cloth) Which is also pretty old ;)
Or is there any reason to wait currently(e.g are new releases planned in the near future that could blow the current gaming mice away).
Sorry if this has been asked before, but with the search function refusing to work properly and the INSANELY annoying emoticon advert at the top of the page screaming "HELLO!" everytime a page loads or i move my mouse upwards this seemed like the best thing to do ;)
~ Silent
P.S ~ Wall of text crits you for 999999.
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