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User Poll Choice
naper Should ESReality admins censor posts by QC beta users? No
naper Which site will you be using? ESR
naper Which player model do you prefer in CPMA Visor
naper When were you introduced to quake? 2006-2010
naper 125 FPS Showmatch - Cooller vs Strenx Strenx 5-2
naper 125 FPS Showmatch - Cooller vs Strenx Strenx
naper Add a railgun on Arcane Citadel? No
naper Spawn Kill Duel North America Sundays 5pm East
naper DHW13 - Best Frag Award Luukets 1
naper Which Quake has your favourite movement Quake 3 CPM
naper Prize Distribution Poll Variant 1 + Performance Awards
Conceived and created by Sujoy Roy (Legal Notices)
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