User | Poll | Choice |
ProT | Do you want Clan Arena in Quake Champions? | Yes |
ProT | Quake Champions Beta Impressions | Generally Negative |
ProT | Would you like to see an ESR user interview at id Software? | Yes |
ProT | Should ESReality admins censor posts by QC beta users? | No |
ProT | Which site will you be using? | ESR |
ProT | Which player model do you prefer in CPMA | Sarge |
ProT | Quakelive, Steam and VAC | Don't care |
ProT | When were you introduced to quake? | 1996 baby! |
ProT | 125 FPS Showmatch - Cooller vs Strenx | Strenx 4-3 |
ProT | 125 FPS Showmatch - Cooller vs Strenx | Strenx |
ProT | DHW13 - Best Unexpected Performance | plazma |
ProT | DHW13 - Best Match Award | Cypher vs Rapha |
ProT | DHW13 - Best Comeback Award | Killsen (POV) vs Dahang on Tox (Group) |
ProT | Which Quake has your favourite movement | Quake Live |
ProT | DreamHack Winter 2013 Winner | Cypher |
ProT | 125 FPS Showmatch - k1llsen vs av3k | k1llsen |
ProT | Poll-125 FPS Showmatch#1strenx vs agent | strenx 5-2 |
ProT | Duel timelimit poll | Time limit 10 min |