What is EpicRewind?

EpicRewind is PC software which provides "instant-replay" or DVR like video capture functionality to PC games. When running, your gameplay video is continuously buffered in fast System RAM, the contents of this buffer can be saved to a file with the press of a hotkey. Instead of pre-planning a gaming video you can selectively save the highlight moments after they happen. Ideal for MMOs and Multiplayer games where 99% of the gameplay isn't worth sharing and the interesting stuff can happen at unexpected times.
Awesome Performance

EpicRewind is different than other capture software you might be familiar with, video isn't being encoded and written to disk continuously. Instead, EpicRewind simply copies raw video frames into a rolling buffer in system RAM, writing to disk and encoding is deferred until you choose to save a video. This keeps your average system load to an absolute minimum and helps minimize the impact on your gameplay experience.

also, on linux version
from Zugdud sent 23 hours ago

Greetings! We would like to do Mac OSX and Linux ports eventually but first we are focusing on making the Windows version really solid/awesome. Would love to get that done eventually though

seems like a nice tool.