Hello everyone.
I've recently started playing quake live and am willing to improve. I practice mostly CA(for general weapon skills) and Duel. On Duel i practice mainly ztn and dm6, sometimes dm13 So i have basically 2 questions.
First one is more general:
1) is it better to master some maps first and then the others, or to practice many maps simultaneously? I'm thinking of buying the full version of the game to be able to play maps like aerowalk and toxicity, but i dunno if it is time for me to play them. Maybe i should better get good on bloodrun before studying other maps?

The second is dm6-specific
2) I am noob so in duels i mostly play from behind. And thus i find dm6 extremely hard map. The situation gets more difficult because my movement skills don't allow me to get to the rail from the bridge (it's like 1-2 out of 20 jumps). I find having railgun on such a large map is crucial when playing from behind, but if i use jumppad my opponent will 90% be waiting me with the rocket. Is there any sense in practicing dm6 without ability to get rail from the bridge, or should i firstly improve my movement kills?
Thanks in advance

P.S.: my id is Slayers_MMA, if any noob wants a skill-matched practice partner you're welcome.
P.P.S.: any general practice advices are welcome too
