Hey guys,

Please keep your suggestions to UI changes, this is not about anything gameplay or in-game related that in turn relies on heavy involvement from id software.
x-post from reddit, my apologies.And yes, I'm just as skeptical

Since it's holiday downtime, and I've been speaking about this for a while, I figure I might as well get moving. We are all aware of the very warm welcome QL received at DHW from other, much larger gaming communities, therefore this is the perfect opportunity to shed light on any glaring improvements QL will need from a spectator and shoutcaster point of view. A lot of this is simply taking information you would receive by opening up the 'statistics' tab that pops up at the buzzer, and making it accessible in realtime.

Foremost, let me distinguish between screen and viewport. 'Screen' will be the area reserved entirely for in-game view (as of now it would be 100% if you play\spectate QL fullscreen). 'Viewport' refers to the entire real estate of your monitor, or at least the amount you have given to your browser. If this is unclear, please refer to sites like TwitchTV Teevox and notice their header and footer bars.

I personally think the QL screen should remain as intact as possible, placing more info in that space would only be a detriment to gameplay. A concession would have to be made, for either\both a dedicated sidebar or footer\header. Now, since that area is taking away valuable screen space - the information it provides better be damned worthwhile! Here's where you come in:

If you have any suggestions for what content/infographic you would like overlaid into your QL spectator experience. SHARE IT Please keep it concise, but detailed and categorical. A great example:

In TDM games, there should be a player list divided by team (with an area for each team's tag\title too). It should show their HP, ARMOR, and the individual player's current weapon.

If you like someone's suggestion, please upvote/plus it. The suggestions with the most thumbs up will be taken into consideration. Cheers!

PS: If you are dev or UI coder, please make me aware of your existence.

view the reddit thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/QuakeLive/comments/my...wanted_ui/