What's worse than a right-wing Jew? Don't these Jews know, Nazi's were right-wing? These Jews are completely anti-communist, yet apparently pro-Nazi. It's strange... I don't remember hearing stories about communists killing millions of innocent Jews.

So, I was watching this Ben Stein documentary about intelligent design and evolution. Ben Stein (a right-wing Jew), completely misses the point. Intelligent design supporters are all right-wing, and they all argue that our bodies were created in their current state. That means, turtles were always turtles and sharks were always sharks. Evolution simply suggests, and has already conclusively proven, that we were not 'created' (like in Genesis), in our current state but rather evolved from other physical conditions. Whether or not the initial condition came from what people call 'God' or from something else is not even remotely what intelligent design proponents argue.

In this documentary, Ben Stein literally says, 'Can't we believe in God and Darwin'? Well Ben Stein, your audience is a reflection of you. Like many other right-wingers (Rush Limbaugh and Fox News), you have created audiences full of idiots. Science has nothing to do with belief. It is about ascertainment. You do not believe in science, you make certain to an absolute degree. When science begins believing, it is no longer science.

Next time you decide to parade around your right-wing cabal, try to make it seem less like a blatant propaganda film. I'll repeat it for you, in hopes you will not forget:

Nazi's were right-wing.
Religion is faith.
Science is ascertainment.
Spirituality is philosophy.