Hey everyone,

I've been trolling through for quite sometime and this is my first constructive post. I just need some clarification really as I've purchased my second mx518.

My first one is obviously the 1600dpi version and have used that for a good 2 years now. I've been very happy with it but its become a bit flukey with the mouse rate, its not constant as it used to be when i first overclocked it. I put it down to the excessive use after overclocking the polling rate to 500hz for such a long time now.

I ordered a new one and whoop it came today, but its advertised as 1800 dpi on the box- i ordered the 1600dpi one advertised on the website and have sent an angry e-mail back to them.

But do i really need to send this back? Ideally I want the same mouse, the 1600dpi one which i'll overclock to 500hz and im back to my best feel.

Is this the same sensor? I've read no, mainly posts from nittnaus.

But is the tracking noticeably different?
Is it simply a case of me setting it to 1600dpi and it'll feel exactly the same?
Are there bugs or flaws with the new 1800dpi version?
Is the sensor 'better'? In which case, am I better off keeping the newer version?

I've googled and googled but to no avail, there just doesn't seem to be answer to these questions.

I hope somebody can help, rather then ' why use 1800 or 1600, use 400 dpi ' responses, because they're useless and deconstructive to say the least.

