Why do we have laws? It is very simple - we have laws to suppress injury. The Devil, our favorite Prince of Darkness, is the personification of injury. Heaven is the state reached when all injury has been eliminated. Why then are drugs illegal? It is because the government sometimes goes too far and outlaws something where, when used responsibly, no injury or only self-injury occurs.

Government most frequently uses the law enforcement method of an eye-for-an-eye. This system was always and will always be a failure. Injury causes evolution, which, in the eye-for-an-eye system, enables a perpetual cycle of injury. To truly reach Heaven, injury coming from every source must be eliminated. That means, injury coming from government must be eliminated. If no injury occurs, government should not get involved. To prohibit the use of drugs, simply because when used irresponsibly, injury does occur, is an injury to the responsible drug-user. If caught, they sustain greater injuries, including the horrors of prison. What injury did they cause to deserve the injury they sustained? They did not cause any injury.

If you look at the big-picture, legal drugs cause far less injury than illegal. The drugs themselves are safer, as the businesses who sell them must be accountable. The drugs also come with full safety instructions. The government can provide comprehensive drug-safety education. When drugs are legal, the massive underground industry, complete with Al Capone type violent criminals, no longer exists. Taxes are lowered, due to the inclusion of an enormously profitable industry no longer siphoning dollars from the system. Injuries sustained by the people, from the government, cease to exist, except in cases where the drug-user did cause some kind of injury to others.

Can anyone realistically suggest, supported by actual evidence, there is more risk of injury when drugs are legal? People en-mass currently use drugs, and most of them have no problems. When drugs were new, a lot of people got hurt, but that was due to ignorance. Is anyone willing to claim, outlaw drug-users are somehow more capable of being responsible than legal drug-users would be? If so, maybe we should stop putting our most responsible people in prison.