So, i got a DREMEL as a christmas gift.

Yay :/

Anyways, so i decided to give it a go and for a long itme i wanted to combine the shell of a 3.0 MS explorer with the optics of a 518 mouse (i could care less for prediction!)

So after some thought...of about 20 seconds, i took the dremel and started cutting stuff.

2 days later this is what i have:

The mouse beauty shot:

Underneath. Real Frankenstein there!

Insides from mx 518 :

So now your saying, why the hell didnt i just get the deathadder. Well - a whats the fun in that, b - deathadders a bit wide for me :/

So what works what doesnt

Sensor tracks, left mouse buttons works, right mouse button works, scroll wheel click and scroll works (no more annoying ms scroll problems!), side buttons work.

What doesnt work:

The dpi buttons, so im stuck at 800 (im happy with that)
The application switch button, whcih doesnt work on 518 anyways..

So, there :)