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FACEIT: Legends Cup Presented (No comments)
Posted by roychez @ 14:04 CST, 25 November 2012 - iMsg
With great joy and excitement, I’m here today to present you FACEIT: Legends Cup. The best of the past will go up against each other to bring you an awesome show!

FACEIT will be bringing together eight of the best Quakers the game once had to offer and let them go head-to-head with each other! We will be announcing the eight oldschool players over the coming weeks via our Facebook page.

FACEIT: Legends Cup will be brought to you live by us on FACEIT TV on 16th December. The show will be casted by the by now familiar duo United Kingdom Xavier "Zoot" Dhorne and United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia, but as an extra surprise, United Kingdom Stuart "TosspoT" Saw will be joining them.

As mentioned before, we will be giving out more details in the coming weeks, but for now we can give you two of the eight names attending already.

Links: FACEIT, Bracket // mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEITcom
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FACEIT update and ELO Cups (No comments)
Posted by roychez @ 11:37 CDT, 30 October 2012 - iMsg
FACEIT have pushed out a major update today, which will allow us to do better ELO-based cups, and many more things have been fixed and added.

We have added a total of ten levels, which will allow us to also host cups for the lower ranked players. Next to that we have added "Series" tournaments, team FACE N GOs, an automatic updater and many other things.

The ELO-system will allow us to do better cups for lower ranked players. And we're happy to tell them that the action will already start tonight, one for players up to Level 4, Level 6 and Level 8 (see your level in the press release). Find out how to attend a cup below.

In the meantime, feel free to enter in the Series tournaments here, or play a FACE N GO with a friend or your team mates here!

A special thanks goes out to the gentlemen of QLRanks, who were kind enough to allow us to use their ranking system.

Links: FACEIT // mIRC #FACEIT, Facebook FACEITCommunity, Twitter @FACEITcom
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